Two days down
So, The Scottish Blogs WebRing has been running for two days and already has 7 members. I’m still learning the admin side of things and today ran a quick check to see if everyone had the code properly implemented on their site (nothing Big Brother, just seeing if it would work).

So to the six member sites that have properly implemented the code, thank you very much! To one member who hasn’t – GET IT SORTED.

Now I’ll just gloss over the fact that the member that has incorrectly implemented the code is… ahem.. me.. and move right along.

I will be emailing more people over the next couple of days to invite them to join, but if you know of anyone running a blog who is either Scottish or residing in Scotland please let them know about the Webring.
If you are one such person, please don’t wait for an invitation, join now and I’ll get you added as soon as I can. (quicker during the week as I’m online most of the time then…)

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Jack is Three

Sasha our brindle staffie, in a field with a tennis ball

Bye bye Sasha