
Reading time: < 1 min Received an email from a friend today. It said. “I’m alive.” My relief was instant and huge, I hadn’t heard from her since before last Tuesday’s attack on the WTC. She and her family are fine. I only wish that were the same for those who have lost loved ones. The anger, sorrow, and sadness […]

Please Not this

Reading time: < 1 min – I sincerely hope for a measured response and not for America to react like this… I am aware that this is probably a relatively isolated incident.


Reading time: < 1 min Walking for the train last night I passed some building works, a new office block no doubt, about 6 or 7 storeys high. Right at the top two guys were erecting scaffolding. Standing on one bar, hanging on to one upright, it all looked very precarious to me (and from someone with a mild fear […]

Bicycle race

Reading time: < 1 min As ever big plans for tonight. Sort out CD collection – needs re-organised after the move. Cut the grass, has been needing done for about a week or so now.. at very minimum pull out the bush like plants that keep destroying the mower blades! However I have the feeling that those plans will be […]

Divided we stand

Reading time: < 1 min Wow cards – a visit to here, a couple of emails and I’m musing about the Scotland/England divide. I lived in England, very happily, for about 2 years (just over). Don’t have a problem with the country or the majority of the people. I know a lot of Scots who class their ranting about the […]