Glasgow Fair Monday, there are small wispy clouds dotting the blue sky, it’s sunny and warm. I’m working. What is wrong with this picture?
Really need a holiday, and chance to re-focus and gather my thoughts. The last two months have been crazy, lots of change at work, lots of change at home (new house). So much going on. I’ve got a list of things I want to do on my desk. Basic routine stuff much of it, defrag my PC, clean it out at bit, install some new progs I’ve had sitting about for ages. Start work on a couple of projects, convert my CD database to a new format, etc etc. Unfortunately I’m having to be all grown up and take care of things like mortgages, life assurance, wills etc. I wish I didn’t have any responsibility, life would be so much easier, but I’m just not that selfish (Yes I am selfish but not THAT much..).
Do you wish you could be a kid again?