Yesterday morning I cashed in a Christmas present and took the air in a hellychopper. It was quite noisy, but very smooth, and I have to admit the little boy in me loved every minute (whilst the adult in me fretted about carbon footprints and so on).
We weren’t in the air very long, a quick zip up and down the River Clyde from Inchinnan down to about Helensburgh and back, but we did pass my hometown on the way.
We didn’t go much above about 1500ft, but kicked it up to about 160mph. It was fun hearing, through the headsets, air traffic control at Glasgow Airport warn us that there was an incoming Boeing… summat or other, approaching and our pilot glibly respond with “sure thing, we’ll keep an eye for it”.
Enough about my day though, what did YOU do?
I once took a pleasure flight in a Convair 440 Metropolitan (think 1950s American flying – all glamorous stewardesses, shiny chrome and big seats – but now sadly mothballed in a museum in Norway because of modern safety regulations). This was in the days before terrorism, so the door to the cockpit was open and you could see what was going on in front. We were supposed to be coming in to land, but the pilot said that we needed to "go round again because the runway is busy". Then he stuck the nose down and we went on the steepest descent I’ve ever experienced, nothing but rapidly approaching runway visible through the windscreen with a Hawker Typhoon sitting on the concrete with engine running. "Ahh, there seems to be some confusion in the tower, so we’re going to land". Real flying.
And speaking of real flying, I have a birthday present to cash – a flight in a 1930s DeHavilland Dragon Rapide (a beautiful between-the-wars biplane airline – from when flying was something that only the ultra-rich could afford – think canvas and wire and arm chairs for seats). I shall report in due course.
Swore. Lots. (I know, hardly a surprise with me, but still)
Fixed lots.
Did lots.
Got a tax estimate.
Swore Lots More.
Just hovered…
Got up early and watered stuff in the greenhouses
Even though three people used our kitchen ONE person cleaned it (me)
fed and watered all animals and chickens
had argument with 14 year old about why HE should collect the eggs
had some breakfast
drove kids to the bus and husband to work
went to work myself
came home from work
sat on the sofa to watch telly but then . . . .
took 14 yr old to art exhibition (!)in Dumfries
looked at art
filled up the car with diesel £68!
came home and went to bed
I would have much rather have had a ride in a helicopter.
Had a day off. Pottered about doing this and that. Bought clothes in M&S even though I was not going to until I had lost 14 pounds. Don came home in rage as no one had returned from Manchester. Had Ian and Susan for chille and some winewhich was very enjoyable. Don went back to work after they left.
We helicoptered over the Rockies last year.. scary but not to be missed, put it on list to do before you die!
Glad you enjoyed doing the Clyde, what a great pressie.
[…] Dumbarton from the air […]
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