Always good to meet a fellow blogger, and as we’ve “known” each other for several years (before she was a diva in fact) it was extra special to spend a pleasant lunch in the company of pixeldiva herself. We chatted about all sorts, as us eclectic bloggers are known to do, and my lunch hour (and a half) came to a close all to quickly.
One topic we did discuss was you lot. Not ALL of you, obviously, but the core group of bloggers that I’ve been visiting for years, commenting, and emailing (with the occasional IM thrown in for good measure, you do have my MSN details, don’t you?) and, as I stated as we headed out into the Glasgow rain, I should really try a little harder to get “dahn sarf” to a blogmeet or two. I was toying with putting together a list of “bloggers wot I’d like to meet” but that may turn into a vanity exercise and I’d hate to assign an order to such things. Suffice to say that all of them are listed on the left (down a bit) and they probably know who they are.
Other topics covered: how to spot a room full of geeks, the flats they are building which will have a view over one of the most hideous roundabouts in Scotland, the joy of having parents read your blog (and no I’m NOT gonna expand on that one!!), weird flatmates, the amazement of being recognised by your peers, and … knickers (not mine, and I just realised that I forgot to ask what colour Ann was wearing, presuming she was wearing some of course…).
Top stuff, a pretty good lunch and all in the company of a lovely, smart, bubbly lady.