Completely knackered. An accumulation of two or three weeks of late nights (bed at 1am, up at 7am) and I’m struggling to stay awake… it’s only 7.40pm but I could quite happily go to bed right now. The only reason I’m not going to is because I’d only wake up at 1am, wide awake, get up and end up staying up for a couple of hours…
Was in a Ford Ka last night for the first time, and was quite impressed, very roomy inside and took my largish 6′ frame comfortably, and I reckon you could get another 6 footer behind me too. The car in question also had that new car smell as my sister only received it on Tuesday, her first car! Which reminds me that I haven’t publically congratulated her on her new job.
She qualified with a degree in … umm… HR stuff… and has landed a 6 month contract (possibly longer) doing HR for a local hotel (technically for the part that runs the luxury lodges). Needless to say she’s well chuffed. Well done Jen, onwards and upwards (you’ve got the car, next is a flat!! 😉 )
In other news, my “presentation” is actually a seminar and will take place on March the 2nd in the Lighthouse in Glasgow, courtesy of Urban Learning Space. Places are limited and invitation only, and there will be around 20-25 people in attendance. I’ve made a start on the presentation and you guys and gals will be the first to see it, and naturally I’ll be expecting some feedback.
Right, I’m off to write up a proper spec for that WordPress plugin (see previous post), jot down a few ideas for another website (ohh I’ve not mentioned that yet, have I? bugger… all in good time I guess), make a nice cup of hot chocolate and retire to bed to finish Attention All Shipping.