Thank Allah for backups

If you popped in between midnight and 12.30am the site was down.

That’s what I get for trying to install a nightly build of WordPress. But then as the bug I logged is, seemingly, fixed in 1.3 and I’m running.. er.. 1.2.1… well aside from making me a complete ass, it also makes me wonder what the hell some people are thinking.

WordPress is compromised of oodles of little PHP files. You edit some of them, others you don’t touch (indeed you can delete some of them). Yet when you download a nightly build you get NADA in the way of indication of what has changed i.e. what files you should upload and what files you should re-edit.

But then it is a development build and I’m obviously still too new to the WordPress world (but hey, everyone’s been telling me how easy it is!).

I’ll be leaving the upgrade until I can find more info, but for the mean time I would like to dedicate this post to my snazzy little 512MB pen drive. The backup I have on my home PC was a couple of days (and template edits) out of date but I DID download and backup to the pen drive before I left work. Which, it turns out, was just as well.

Still the service that passes for normal has been resumed. Hell, you probably didn’t even notice a thing, right?

The next task is to switch the main blog to use WordPress comments including importing and converting all my old HaloScan comments as well. Now if that doesn’t kill my site who knows what will.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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