World Aids Day
I’m lucky, neither I, nor anyone I know are HIV+. That said it is not a subject I know much about in detail. So, to mark Worlds Aids Day, I am taking the opportunity to broaden my understanding of HIV, AIDS, it’s history and how it effects people all over the world.
- Stigma and discrimination is the theme for World AIDS day 2002 – “From the moment scientists identified HIV and AIDS, social responses of fear, denial, stigma and discrimination have accompanied the epidemic. Discrimination has spread rapidly, fuelling anxiety and prejudice against the groups most affected, as well as those living with HIV or AIDS“
- The Origins of AIDS & HIV – dispelling some frequently held myths.
- Glasgow Brownlee Aids Welfare Trust – raises funds for the support, welfare, health counselling, information and provision of essential equipment to patients at the Brownlee Centre, Gartnavel Hospital, Glasgow.
- Body Positive, Strathclyde, Scotland is a charity for people both infected & affected by HIV or AIDS.
- Aidsmap – an excellent UK resource.
Take a moment today to improve your knowledge or change the way you think about HIV, AIDS and the many sufferers throughout the world.