There was a bit of a stramash in the Scottish press yesterday, when a fairly high profile Reverend in the Church of Scotland coming out of the closest and declaring himself a big gay (those may not have been his exact words…). As many of you will already know, religion and homosexuality don’t mix very wel at all, with homosexuality being stated as an “abomination to God” by some.
Yes, don’t worry, it really is 2009.
Big Rab picked up on this news as well, saying:
The whole thing reminded me once again of the excellent “Why can’t I own a Canadian?” letter and the episode of the West Wing on which it is allegedly based. I don’t know if the letter is genuine but it sure covers all the relevant points.
I’m not going to repeat the entire thing here but it’s funny and pointed and you can read the full thing on his blog:
Lev. 25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians?
Glad you liked the story and the letter Gordon.
Actually the rev in question has been oot the closet for a while and was selected to his current job in that full knowledge and by a huge majority following due process.
I believe though a fifth of the ministers of the kirk have decided in their loving mercifulness that he should be burned at the stake or something for offending God.
God as usual has been unavailable for comment.
fUCK THEM, they discriminate as much as they always did. The thing I hate the most about this hole thing is that they pretend they don’t, at least asume it god damnit. They are like the natzis but without the guts to admit it, isn’t it pathetic?
Liked the article, dont care much for the politics.
Another good article made into a play is here:
Trust me its a Gem.
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