My phone includes a GPRS connection and a web browser (IE unfortunately). I have a few bookmarked sites that are optimised for PDA viewing, but was wondering if you (yes YOU dear reader) knew of any others?
Here are the ones I currently have:
- BBC News
- Guardian News
- Wired News
- Google Search
- Flickr Mobile
- Ananova weather for Glasgow
- National Rail Enquiries
- MapQuest
- The Onion
- SqueezeNet Handy Facts
Ideally I’m looking for a multi-inbox POP3 email webapp that I can access on my phone, and anything else that would be useful, I’m harrassing UGC (or CineWorld as they are now) to provide PDA compatible listings info for our cinema as well.
Ohh and I’m not looking for sites designed for WAP access, most of the sites listed above are typically meant for PDAs to view meaning the render OK in a web browser.
Anyone got any others?