Driving down listening to my sister’s exploits from her holidays. Entering St.Annes. The sand dunes, the pitch-n-putt, the miniature railway. Walking along Blackpool promenade, marvelling at just how awful it is. The Sea Life centre, the sun, The Big One (85mph!). Dinner at Lytham. Giggling at Louise trying to sit up in bed. Driving in the smir, shopping in Freeport. Ambleside, Keswick. Chips.
Childhood memories too. The same sand dunes, the same main street. The football I got bought, the dungarees with the Rolling Stones tongue on them. Riding the railway. My sister on a donkey.
It’s nice to revisit old memories with someone special. Someone who is new to them, so you can point and say “And that’s where such and such happened, and over there was a shop that sold this and that”.
Yes it was a good break. Thanks Mum. Thanks Dad.