Not a bad weekend, Saturday morning was spent pottering around the house, Saturday afternoon and evening was spent with the in-laws and a fantastic curry*. Sunday was a bit of a drag though.
We had planned to meet Louise’s Granda for lunch and then drive from there through to Dumbarton. Unfortunately, the in-laws car wouldn’t start (they’d stayed the night) so we had to drive all the way back to our house, get their car started and lost an hour and a half. That, coupled with roadworks on the way through to Dumbarton cutting the motorway down to two lanes AND THEN being stuck behind two “wide load” lorries doing 20mph for most of the way, kind of put the kibosh on Sunday.
Still we had a great barbeque at my parents, I did a couple of jobs for him (that he’s not allowed to do, he’s being really good with this kind of thing), and when we got home I plonked myself on the sofa with a beer and the football.