
Things will be quiet here tomorrow, I’ve got a day off work, have loads to do, and will be up until around 4 am watching the NBA ALL-STAR GAME 2004!


Not recorded.

For the first time.

I’m excited about this.

More than I care to say

And I’ve got to fill the next 3 hours or so until it starts!!

bookmark_borderStroppy? Me?

I’m not the most patient man. I enjoy shopping at my speed which varies on the task at hand, if I’m browsing for me then I can take all day, but if I have a LIST then get the hell outta my road!

Watched some NBA this morning then went shopping. Shopping of the Christmas variety. Now we are genuinely pretty good at this, and as has become custom, we go for coffee at Cafe Crema (best coffee shop in Hamilton, if not West of Scotland), compile our hit list for the day and head off. This year we are still unsure what to get some people so we are doing a bit off the cuff.

This isn’t helping me at all. I think I’ve related my tale of shouting at a ‘lady’ in Milton Keynes shopping centre, and today was pretty similar. Ohhh except today I had a headache as well.

Truth be told I was pretty well behaved today, only a few loudly spoken “Excuse me!!” and a couple of muttered “stupid place to stand…” passed my lips.

So I’m quite looking forward to tonight, chilling out at my brother-in-laws for dinner. Although I think I’m driving which.. well, let’s just say that I could do with a drink!

bookmark_borderCapturing the moment

“You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy, the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America’s Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn’t want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named ‘Bush’, ‘Dick’, and ‘Colon.’ Need I say more?”
Chris Rock

(via my sister – queen of forwarding)


I’ve long preferred the hoops to the ..ehh… goals.. and being starved of NBA action is killing me, watching grainy 30-sec clips via the NBA website is NOT enough.

So my parents to pity on me (and are inflicting this on Louise) and bought as tickets for the Harlem Globetrotters on April 15th. Should be fun if not wholly basketball related. Can’t wait!