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Losing focus somewhat at the moment. So many websites closing down, job is kinda static at the moment, and we’ve ground to halt on the home front, think we did so much so early on that we are now just enjoying the house. Must give myself a kick over the weekend. Also struggling to change ISP. My new ISP has a wonderful system where you email your problem (namely that the webspace I created I want changed to my alias instead of my username…) and the reply via email saying, and I’m paraphrasing here: “Thanks for your email but to do what you want we need to charge you £1 a minute on our technical support phone line.”

I don’t know why but this is leading me to another rant against banks and there insistence that it takes 3-4 days to process ANYTHING. That’s one hell of a time delay on that keystroke…


Nothing to say. Re-design (v.slight) on the way, still awaiting ISP change over. Tired now. Bed.


Monday, monday, so good to meee…

Knackered. Good mix at weekend, lots of hard work on house and garden, and lots of beer. Early to bed tonight to recover though.

Sun is out, and sitting here at my desk is a chore (although that doesn’t really have anything to do with the sun…), such is life at the moment. Really weird mix of ups and downs. Work is down, home life (and social life) is up. And still to shift to new ISP…

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I ache. As usual I did too much in the gym on Wednesday, so my shoulders and arms are stiff and sore. The pain in my legs is nothing new and I’m used to it. We play football every Thursday (should I say soccer? Hell no!) and every Friday I’m stiff – is regular exercise not supposed to improve this? Mind you the game of netball on Tuesday should prove fun…

Looks like I’ll soon have SurfTime (Evenings and Weekends) setup – for those outside the UK, it is an unmetered service offered by BT and chosen ISPs. Unfortunately everytime an ISP launches an affordable 24/7 unmetered package the end up pulling it, or poorly implementing it because “some people abuse it, staying online for 16 hours at a time…”. I kinda thought that was the whole point… so I could have my PC online all the time and harness the power of the Internet. Have news delivered instantly, have my fridge order milk when I run out, etc etc. Or at the very least allow me to melt my retinas playing Half-Life! 😉


My ISP (LineOne) recently ended the payment scheme I was using. I had 24/7 access for £5 a month. They are now offering LineOne SurfTime (run of the back of the BT SurfTime package) for £9.99 a month for off-peak access only. Unfortunately my local exchange is not yet equipped to handle SurfTime so it isn’t available to me. Which means I am left to pay for any Internet calls as I make them – an expensive business. We rent our accomodation so can’t get cable in. In short I’m screwed.

BT have promised my exchange will be SurfTime compatible by the end of October. Until that time these will be the only updates you see on this site. Once I regain my Internet access, I will post the new design (which is 95% done), and upload a lot of stuff that has been waiting for a while…

So Great Britain is at the forefront of technology? I don’t flaming well think so!! BAH!!