bookmark_borderGood, bad, mellow

Napster decision bad, meteor landing intriguing, NBA ALLstar weekend good!

I feel a lot mellower (is that even a word?) now. Not sure whether it was my rant last week, the time I had sitting about thinking when I was prone on my bed, or whether I’ve just reached a point where all I can say is… well if I can’t do it, fuck it.. life goes on. Or maybe it’s a combination of all three. Who knows. I’m getting beyond questioning this kind of mood, just enjoying it while it lasts.

I’m hoping for a few changes over the next couple of weeks, and currently I’m pretty optimistic of pushing things through, have to wait and see though, as no doubt other people have a different idea than I do.

BTW EVHEAD is here for now (DNS probs). (N2S: add EVHEAD to sidebar links, and stop stealing kottke’s abbreviations! 😉


Confused – yesterday all I got was Seems I jumped the gun a little, especially after reading EVHEAD!: Essay. Man I shouldn’t react so fast.

Maybe that’s the problem I am suffering with at the moment, maybe I should be more grateful for what I have, recent news from a friend makes me think otherwise though. Why should I put up with it? Is it just me? Just my perception of what is happening? Am I that wrong? I often wonder if it is my expectations that should change, but as I’ve discussed with this with different people I realise that is not the case. Those conversations highlight one thing, I’m not the only person who feels like this. Question: should I stand up for what I think? Do I go against the grain and risk being ‘black-marked’? Do I care if that happens? My entire attitude has changed over the last year or so, expectations raised have fallen hard, so I suppose it depends on how many times I can pick myself up.

There is another question concerning who is raising the expectations and I am aware that it is largely my doing, but that is human nature, something that needs to be taken account of, and which, at the moment, is being neglected.