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12 Lessons for Those Afraid of CSS and Standards

“It took me two years to break out of the comfortable prison of layout tables, and another two years before I could use CSS to produce layouts that were originally intended for tables.”

“The buzz about Web 2.0, CSS, and myriad other subjects of the bleeding edge can become a dull roar to those left ill-equipped for industry changes because of work habits adopted in good faith years before. It is my hope that the experience I’ve shared will help some folks to find a way back to the top of the heap—which is where the web needs you.”

But don’t be afraid, Ben Henick offers some lessons that will help get you through. It’s based on real-life experience and mirrors my position. CSS and standards are good, yes they can be strict taskmasters but remember that 100% compliance isn’t always required, sometimes 98% is enough. As Ben points out in Lesson No. 9: “In the real world, stylesheet hacks will get your project across the finish line”

Design Engineering

“The common expression “Engineers build bridges” is actually a misnomer. Engineers build mathematical models of bridges and draw little pictures of bridges on paper or inside computers. Ironworkers are the people who really build bridges. This inexact, industrial age metonym has led to much confusion in the post-industrial age, where it’s all too easy to confuse software designers with software welders because they both use the same tools and raw materials for their very different work.”

Not sure I agree with all of this but I always tend to learn more from a differing opinion.

What do you seek — Documents or Knowledge?

“Document management can only point you towards documents, like a traditional search engine. In contrast, when you’ve got information on a wiki you can search for information, link to it, reference it, update it, secure it, blog about it and share it.”

I’ve been pondering the possible questions that might crop up when I give my presentation on using Wikis in the workplace, and this is a great answer. So much of using a Wiki is about breaking the document-centric working practises that slow us all down. Don’t they?

The Spiral of Wiki Adoption

“Although reliance on email and familiarity of other tools may illustrate a reluctance to ‘unlearn’ habitual less effective work practices, there needs to be a balance between directive wiki usage and support for different communication styles as people become accustomed to using wikis and the different capabilities they can provide.”

During other research I found that just getting people to start using a Wiki was the hardest part. Once they started, they soon started using it in ways not previously considered. In other words, Just Do It.

And finally, two quick links. One I’ve known about for a while but recently cropped again on TechWR, and the other is just for kicks. Although I do often wonder if people do Laugh Out Loud as often as all that.

A List Apart: Style Guide


As ever, I’d love to hear your thoughts on any of these. Particularly the Design Engineering article which I must admit I partly agree with but I do dislike the “them and us” tone.

bookmark_borderOn being busy

A returning theme but one which I always feel compelled to explore.

Hey, who said “avoidance tactic”! Shutup.

I am, at present, in the midst of three new designs, all for different people. One has a wireframe complete but is awaiting graphics from which I’ll key the colors and style, one is purely a CSS rework which is always an interesting challenge, and the third I’m not entirely sure about but want to get a mockup or two done asap so I can get on and discover any limitations that exist in the proposed platform.

I’m trying to pull together a post, or article, that pulls together minimalism in documentation, single sourcing and extreme programming methodologies as there are areas of overlap there, I just can’t get them to stick right now.

I’m in the midst of researching task-oriented documentation, which sort of fits with the aforementioned article but not quite. I think. Maybe.

I’ve got a post on, the implications of, RSS feeds waiting in the wings but can’t quite get it finished.

I’ve restarted my efforts to rip all my CDs to MP3 so I can box them up and put them in the loft, which will allow us to shuffle the living room a little.

The newly painted hallway at home still needs some touching up but we’ve made some progress there, sanding down the bannister is the last big job I think.

That’s all before you consider fixing things here (those funny question marks in the comments, MyBlogLog was ‘supplying’ them, so that’s nixed that script…) and, you know, the day job and all that.

It’s almost just as well that my knee is still sore so I still can’t go running. I think a trip to the docs might be on the cards as the pain is now only evident when I kneel, and feels like it’s under the kneecap, rather than the ligaments. Joy.

Anyway, I know fine well that I’m only this busy because I want to be, or rather because it is around this time that I re-learn the need to say “no”. I’m not complaining, far from it, but the danger is I spread myself too thin and nothing gets done properly.

With that in mind, excuse me, I’ve got stuff to do… put a fresh pot of coffee on for starters.

bookmark_borderCSS for layout

… and why you should use it.

Separating content from structure and style is a common theory, widely accepted to those of us either using or investigating single source solutions for our documentation. The same theory has been applied to web development and offers similar benefits.

CSS-based web design developed in parallel with the growing movement towards (and promotion of) the use of standards on the web. The web standards movement was a direct response to the increasing problems faced by web designers as they struggled to keep pace with the bespoke features introduced by the browser software of the day. Advocating support for the W3 maintained standards around, initially, HTML it soon found a band of supporters who were challenging themselves, and everyone else, to stop using tables as a mechanism for controlling page layout, and instead switch to using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

The origin of table-based layout was, essentially, a clever hack. Early versions of HTML, and the internet browsers that people used to view web pages didn’t have any way to control the layout of a page so tables were used. Nesting tables within tables to provide discrete areas for navigation, content and so on, became the norm and some very complex examples still exist. However, as the web gained popularity and large sites started to emerge, it became apparent that table-based layout were no longer workable. They were far too hard and too time consuming to maintain, and many web developers recognised this and started searching for a solution.

Separating the content from the layout elements was an obvious step and is easily achieved using CSS. Whilst it was primarily created to allow more flexible and powerful styling, it was soon evident that, as each page element can have positioning assigned, that it could also be used as the positioning mechanism.

The basic theory of CSS-based layout is pretty simple. If you draw out the sections of your web page you’ll probably end up with several different blocks. One for the banner, one for the navigation, another for secondary navigation, one for the content, and so on. Each of those blocks can be positioned separately, or in relation to one another and as each block is uniquely identified division, then all you need to do is apply layout rules to every division to position it where you want. OK, maybe it’s a little flippant to say “all you need to do” as there is a wealth of issues to be aware of when using CSS for layout but don’t panic, there are plenty of templates to get you started, I’ve linked to some at the end of this post.

Mind you, this doesn’t really sound much different from using tables though. Right?

Wrong. The real power of using CSS for layout comes when you need to change the position or other layout characteristics of one of those divisions. For example, let’s say you have a set of navigation links in a column down the left of the page. In a table-based layout you’d have a separate table cell holding those links (which may in turn be held in a nested table to help you align them). Simple enough.

Now, you need to switch that list of links to the right of the page. In table-based layout you’d need to cut-n-paste that table cell and move it on EVERY PAGE in your website or across your help system. Do you fancy doing that for every page in a 500 page help system, because I don’t.

Using CSS for layout, you’d make a change to the stylesheet (the .CSS file) and all the pages in your website would be updated. For a large website, or for anything more than 20 or so pages, the time savings soon become evident. I’d advocate that you take this approach for smaller static websites as whilst, table-based layout is still possible, the repetition of making any minor layout change still needs to be reflected across every page.

Ultimately, using CSS for layout isn’t really about web standards, nor is it just a trend. It’s a justified and valid use of technology to allow you to work smarter, to concentrate on the content you are delivering, and not spend a disproportionate amount of time editing multiple pages of a web-based help system or website. When your boss asks you what you did last week, what would YOU rather say?

Learning CSS-based layout is not without problems, there are still browser compatibility issues to overcome, although most are now well documented and easy to grasp but I truly believe that it is worthwhile learning the basics. Of course, the internet being what it is, there are a myriad of templates available to get you started, in fact some may even provide all you need.

Related reading:
Layoutomatic – offers three simple CSS-based layouts. A good way to learn the basics.
Free CSS layouts and templates – compiled by the wonderful Smashing Magazine.
Web Standards Project – keep up to date with the latest news in web standards.
CSS Zen Garden – one structured page of content, hundreds of different CSS layouts and styles. THE example of the power of CSS-based layout.
A List Apart – an excellent online magazine for web design, chock full of good stuff.

bookmark_borderAnd so, it begins

Please excuse the dust, and mind your feet, I’m still tidying up. I was always told you should finish a website before launching it but, in the days of instant gratification that advice seems somewhat stilted and old-fashioned. So here it is, yes, it’s another blog.

I’ve been blogging for many years now but this is my first attempt at writing a professional blog. To make it a little bit easier on myself I’ve chosen an area in which I’m fairly well-versed – Technical Communications. I have been a Technical Writer/Author/Communicator (I’ll cover that issue another day) for over 10 years and have worked in a variety of different environments, for a variety of different companies, with different cultures and different technologies. I’ve got various articles and whitepapers written up, but largely un-published, and these days if you don’t have a blog… then you are probably out doing something more interesting!

I’ll be covering every facet of Technical Communications that I’ve stumbled across, although I’ll be steering away from discussions on grammar, spelling and english usage (others already cover that in far better style than I could).

So what will I be covering? Everything from planning and designing documents, user analysis, manipulating graphics, DITA, working on the web, document design, AuthorIT, content mapping, agile development, review processes, using the documentation, web design, writing, modular documentation, FrameMaker, editing, CSS, indexing, task analysis, single source, content management, minimalism and much more that I’ve not thought of yet.

I’m not entirely sure where this blog will take me, where it’ll end up, but it’s first step towards a bigger picture and the fruition of many years of trying to have a “professional” place on the web. Comments and discussions are encouraged, and I most certainly do not promise to always be correct. Like most people I’m still learning and trying to keep up as the scope of my profession expands and contracts, and like most I’m sure the internet will continue to play a large part in that process.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve just got another lick of paint to apply…

bookmark_borderMusical notes

Over the past two years, driven largely by my previous co-workers I’ve been exposed to a wider amount and range of music than I have for many a year. On average I was buying at least two albums a month (the large majority being MP3s from iTunes, although the lure of FOPP still resides), none of which were really ‘chart music’ albums. That’s not to say that all chart music is rubbish, far from it. In fact I’m beginning to spot that the charts are starting to reflect a more eclectic set of tastes and I’m guessing that the accessibility of music through MP3 downloads is finally beginning to drive a change to the music industry. The disappointment is, of course, that they still aren’t really embracing this change.

It’s fairly obvious that radio plays are no longer the only way to ‘force’ a track to the top of the pops and, after the demise of the TV show of the same name, it’s even more apparent that the charts themselves are no longer deemed necessary by a whole generation of music lovers. I’m unsure how big an impact MySpace has as it’s not something I’m part of, but the general idea of communities forming around bands, and driving sales and downloads of similar music, seems to be more obvious as each month passes.

With that in mind, the main issue for music lovers (well, for me at least) is where we go to find pertinent reviews and information about the types of music we enjoy. The standard press offerings, NME for example, are all well and good but are still somewhat mainstream. Where do we go to find the out who is going to be ‘next big thing’?

I currently rely on PitchFork to supply information and potential suggestions for new music, and of course the power of word of mouth should never be discounted with the occasional recommendation from fellow bloggers being enough to ‘tip’ me in the direction of new listens. I guess that is the power of, which is something I should spend some more time with I guess (I still treat it as a ‘log’ rather than somewhere to explore and discover new music, odd that).

In the meantime, I’ve been digging through the albums I bought in the latter half of last year, several of which didn’t really get a full spin on the playlist, and I’ve loaded them up alongside some more recent purchases I’ve made in the past couple of days.

The old stuff I haven’t listened to properly:

  • Datarock
  • CSS – Cansei de ser sexy
  • Lady Sovereign – Public Warning (mike is to blame for this, although I’ve had it for over a year now)

And some new stuff:

  • Deerhoof – Friend Opportunity – initial impressions are favourable.
  • Menomena – Friend and Foe – initial impressions are unstable.
  • The Decemberists – The Crane Wife – inital impression is “samey”.
  • The Good, The Bad and The Queen – falling heavily into ‘meh’ category.

It’s always good to ‘re-discover’ albums, but that has inherent limitations. So, it’s over to you my dearest music loving reader, where do YOU go to keep up-to-date with the latest music? Spill the beans!

Ohh and if you know anyone who wants a ticket to the Monday night Arcade Fire gig at the Barrowlands in March, let me know.