Yes I know the war in Iraq has started.
No I don’t really want to talk about it on here. There are many thousands of other blogs that will/are doing that.

I will mention it in passing no doubt but I am steering clear. Mainly because I don’t know who to believe or trust, and ultimately innocent people WILL die and whilst that is the reality of war I’m just not sure WHY this war is happening. Do we believe ‘our’ (western) media? Do we believe reports coming from Baghdad?

So if you want non-media coverage and opinion of the war, may I suggest you visit these sites: Michele at ‘a small victory’ – offering an American anti-war/Bush viewpoint. Raed in Baghdad – who I hope survives the war. Of course if you are pro-war there are sites for you too but I really don’t want to waste my time (and opinion) finding them for you.

Update: Though pro-war, Carey is such a charming and wonderful personality that one would do well to at least acknowledge his existence.

Happy now my friend? 😉

And in other news…
Jez gets a ‘real’ domain for Jezblog.

Are you pondering what I’m pondering?
To send or not to send, that is the question. Whether ’tis nobler to share or to take advice solely…

Do I send a link to the Dti Work-Life Balance Campaign (via Jon) to our HR manager? Hmmmm…

With apologies to Mr.Shakespeare who, of course, wrote:
“To be, or not to be, that is the question:-
Whether ’tis nobler in the mind, to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune;
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And, by opposing, end them?”

Culture? Pure dead cultured, me*.

* to be said with Glaswegian accent

Well writ
Why do you visit the websites of people you don’t know, day after day… what is the attraction..?

This is a question a colleague asked me a few weeks back. I hummmm’d and hawwww’d my way round an answer when what I really should’ve done was point him to this: From A To B Via A Sea Of Neuroses.

THIS is why I visit the sites that I do (OK, one of the reasons…)

Odd steps
I had to laugh when I saw this over at vodkabird – the bit about the steps.

We have something similar in Hamilton leading from the town centre to the Hamilton Palace area (on the way to Asda etc). Whether descending or ascending these steps you always had to take 1 and a bit steps between them. The height of the steps is quite shallow which is just as well as I have, on several occasions, stumbled up them expecting the edge of a step and finding thin air. The design of the steps prompts thoughts that the designer was either eight feet tall, a midget, incompetent or just down-right malicious.

Or maybe it was the same ‘architect’ who designed the three adjoining roundabouts in Aylesbury. A wonder to behold, they are truely mind boggling when you try to drive round them with the entrance to one being the exit of another and traffic from the third crossing your path. I always got the impression that whoever had been charged with the design had accidentally left three coffee cup rings on the plans by accident.

Free iPAQ?
OK, admittedly against the backdrop of the “war that no-one wants” this is kinda trivial… but…

Amazon accepted my order of £23 for a top of the range HP iPAQ H5450 Pocket PC (valued at around £500), but now it looks like they won’t pay and, legally they probably don’t have to. So I’m off in the huff… pah!

Ohh and to all the ‘City’ workers who were ordering 50 or 60 at a time, the only thing I have to say is: You greedy bastards.
And to Amazon: Come on, what’s a £1m or so in lost profits between friends… (figured based on 2000 sales at £450 loss each…)