Why I love films

Reading time: 3 mins I recently saw the movie Arrival at the cinema. I was sitting about four rows from the front, dead centre, and was soon immersed in the story that was playing out. From the opening scene, that long fade from dark to light, the framing of the shot out across the lake, to the first hint […]

Dark is the light

Reading time: 4 mins This post is an attempt to process my own thoughts about recent news and my reaction which has been to shy away from any mention of ‘Trump’. Perhaps it’s just fatigue, but perhaps that fatigue is partly my own doing? Read the news, pick your flavour. Trouble is what news? And are you getting the […]

The old room

Reading time: 2 mins His chair sits to one side of the bay window. The unloved leather is cracked, shiny dark patches worn smooth, seams barely holding on, tired with all the life it’s seen. Cold air creeps through the rotting window frame, tickling the rising pale curls of smoke as they fade into nothing. Beside the chair a […]

Rotterdam or anywhere

Reading time: 2 mins I need some time off work. The last week I had off was in June and whilst life as a contractor means no worky = no money, I know I need some downtime. So I’ve booked the middle week of October off and I’m planning to try and get away somewhere. Where? Well that’s the […]

Recently Observed

Reading time: 2 mins Organised, Not Organised Having a digital calendar that I can access on my phone is wonderful. Except when I forget to put things in it. In totally related news, I have a ticket for the next Honeyblood gig (8th Dec) at St.Lukes in Glasgow going spare if anyone wants it… me? I’ll be at the […]

New Apple Hardware and Software

Reading time: 3 mins Given the upgrade cycle I choose to follow with my phone, this past week saw me get a new iPhone (7), which has a new version of iOS (10), as well as a new Apple Watch (Series II) which itself has a new version of watchOS (3). That’s a lot of new and whilst a […]