
Reading time: < 1 min Untitled Womenโ€™s Aid Speech on Cyber-Harassment | Week Woman Toothpaste in hotels: Why do they provide shampoo, soap, and high-end toile


Reading time: 2 mins Iโ€™ve use this word a lot and over the years finding emotional balance has become increasingly important to me as I start to understand how I work and function best. In the past Iโ€™ve been very guilty of taking on too much, either explicitly or without realising, and leaving myself open to the big dark […]

Where I stand

Reading time: 3 mins Note: Iโ€™ve not made any explicit references but this post may contain triggers. Somewhere in my head there is a grouping of thoughts. Iโ€™m trying to write down some of these thoughts because Iโ€™m fed up with them being whipped up into a frenzy in my head, leaving me annoyed and angry by the actions […]