Last year I agreed to take part in the Glasgow to Edinburgh cycle (mostly because my mate was nagging me to do it). I didn’t own a bike but it sounded fun.
Then, early this year as you all know, my Mum had a stroke. She’s been through a life changing experience and is battling through the other side. It has changed her life, my Dad’s life (himself a heart attack survivor) and made me realise that you only get one shot at this thing called life.
Your donation will help further the research in these areas, lessen the risk for us all, and better support the survivors, people like my Mum and Dad.
I’m 60% of the way towards my target, you can help! http://www.justgiving.com/gordonmclean
The cycle takes place on the 11th September and, because I’m a big geek, I’ve setup a separate Twitter account which tracks my ‘training’ and will update throughout the cycle in September.
I see that on this day 6 years ago you received your first phishing email. Hardly seems possible there was a time with email and without phishing, now that dozens get into our junk folder every week.
Good luck with the bike ride.
Have been meaning to comment for ages about how much I’ve been in awe of your cycling updates on FB! Bloody brilliant stuff. I’ve been getting into cycling this year… awhile back a dodgy knee put the kibosh on running so need a lower impact alternative! Has taken me years to finally give cycling a proper go as I’m terrified of descending. But it’s getting better with every ride. Must give this Cyclometer app a go, do you just carry the phone on you or do you need to mount it on the bike?
Best of luck on the big day! 🙂
Gordon, Kev of the Kebabylon website from years ago.
Same situation as you my friend, too big and bloody bored of it. I am doing the bike ride as well for Yorkhill Hospital.
I don’t know if you ever got a trip computer but I got this one for my birthday and highly recommend it, easy to set up and works a treat.
Best of luck on the day, I am aiming at about 5.5 hours for the cycling and another hour of water / energy bar / twix!
Hey Kevin,
I’m using my iPhone to track my rides (Cycle meter app) it’s good enough for me 🙂
Aiming for under 5 hours on the cycling front personally but who knows! I’m basing that on average speed which is about 11mph.
I had used RunKeeper but my IPhone 3G’s batteries were running down far too fast when using it.
I am currently averaging about 9.5mph across the uphills and downhills.
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