Whilst my bagels toast, in prepartion for a rather unhealthy yet delicious slathering of coronation chicken, I thought I’d quickly jump on the computer to google a couple of things.
That was about an hour ago. The bagels have long since popped up and announced themselves by distributing a salivating scent throughout the house, yet here I sit, working away.
I’ve just sent off a mockup to a new client, and this afternoon (in lieu of gardening, again) I’ll be finishing off the design of another website.
Whilst here I nipped onto Google Reader and found myself absorbed in the latest post from the Queen of the Internet. I currently have a post languishing in draft that touches on a little of this, but as ever someone else, someone who is actually qualified to say something in this area, says it much better than I could (and, as ever, posted before I did too!).
Ohh and whilst I remember, tomorrow is the first weigh-in of the new regime. I did look back over the information I logged through January and February and I’m quite pleased that I have managed to keep off some of the weight I started the year with (8lbs). So at least I won’t be starting completely from scratch.
Right, off to reheat some bagels, then I’ll come back and, at some point, finish off that blog post.
Well, it’s either that or gardening (something I am beginning to think I am genetically programmed to loathe).