A petition arrives!

Reading time: 3 mins It begins “Dear Sir/Madam,” and, being the former, I read on. “Objection to proposed Mobile Phone Base Station (Aqua Court/Nature Trail, O2 Cell Site: 040762)” I pause at this point. I have an O2 mobile phone, it has a crappy signal in my house, the new cell site would be up the hill a bit, […]

When users don’t want help

Reading time: 2 mins For a while now I’ve been watching video presentations from the likes of the TED and GEL sessions. Largely these are delivered by people who are at the forefront of their field or who challenge common perceptions with some unique thinking. The TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) sessions can be a bit random but they are […]

Grumpy Young Man

Reading time: < 1 min At some point, over the festive period just past, I found myself watching a TV series called “Grumpy Old Men” in which several personalities (they’d probably baulk at being called celebrities) rant and rave about the myriad of little things that annoy them; The people who talk loudly on their mobile phones, the fact that […]

Shortly written

Reading time: 2 mins The act of writing fiction, of considering the flow and cadence of certain words, the structure and pace of a sentence, the building of a paragraph, laying the foundations for something bigger is something with which I flirt. Most of my flirtations make their way here in the form of odd and completely random blog […]