Thoughts on HATT Survey thoughts

Reading time: 3 mins Tom Johnson has had a look at the survey recently published by the HATT matrix website on help authoring and, by pulling in the results of some other surveys in the same area, has extrapolated some good conclusions from them. He rightly points out that surveys need to be taken with a pinch of salt […]


Reading time: < 1 min Anyone got any words I can borrow? I need to find more than 140 characters worth as that’s all I seem capable of at the moment. So, I’d like to blog, I really would but I’m now stuck, not paused. Odd that. In times of old I’d just keep typing and see what turned up, […]

Ohh I’m WAY busier than you..

Reading time: 2 mins Due to product release pressures I’ve not had much time to look at the new version of Author-it, let alone get the SQL database setup so the rest of my team can get it installed and starting having a play. Whilst we are getting some training organised, I’m confident that we are smart enough to […]


Reading time: < 1 min I started this blog, this website, purely to see if I could. It wasn’t really about the writing/publishing/conversation at that time, it was only about me. I’d already started jotting down my thoughts (for various reasons) and despite the rambling nature of them I did find that it helped. The process of vocalising and externalising […]

Present tense

Reading time: 2 mins I wish people would stop asking me, I really don’t know and whilst I can always give suggestions I really honestly don’t need anything. Can we just not do the whole present thing? I am, of course, talking about my upcoming birthday. Now I’m fairly well off, I can afford most of what I want […]

What’s in a name?

Reading time: < 1 min Every company is unique. Every company has their own processes, their own documents and, of course, their own language. That language is part of the culture and if you don’t embrace the new language it’s likely that there will always be friction and, worse, misunderstanding in the future. Take, for example, the process documents you […]