I’m sitting on the sofa with some weird MTV programme blaring at me, but my niece seems to be enjoy it, despite my protestations…
Yesterday was the first Xmas ‘event’ of the year, namely the Development Team’s away day. 50 of us, crammed into a nearby gastro-pub, crackers, crap toys, and turkey. All washed down by … Guinness. Still the food wasn’t all that bad, and it was good to unwind, the last two weeks have been manic as we headed towards a release deadline.
And so my attention turns to Christmas. We are heading through to my parents today to help put their tree up. Something I’ve not done for many years, and at some point I’ll need to start thinking about buying some presents.
It also means I now have time to get on with those other things I had hoped to get finished by Xmas. A website or two, another 100 CDs to rip and get into the loft, not to mention considering what I’m going to buy in the New Year sales.
Toying with a super-compact camera, for when my current camera is a little too big, Sky HD, or… umm.. a PlayStation3. The latter is expensive and scarce and I might hold off for another 6 months or so… which then brings the Wii into play, presuming I can get hold of one.
Decisions, decisions.
But first. Coffee. And some more painkillers…
I got a PS3 from HMV in braehed, Β£298 with 2 blu ray movies. A few left.
Also Argos are doing one for Β£349 with 2 games and an extra controller.
I think a wii may set you back a bit, and they are scarce, I have heard that Dr. Who christmas episode is where he travels to 2010 in order to bring Wii consled back to 2007.
Hope nobody gives you a CD
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