Jack of all trades Pt. 1

Reading time: 2 mins My name is Gordon McLean, I am a Technical Communicator* and I am proud to be a jack of all trades. Working in the software industry, and particularly for a company that has embraced the XP development methodology, I have exposure to, and contact with, most of the other roles in the company. I talk […]

Planning ahead

Reading time: < 1 min In my hangover fug I’ve been thinking about stuff wot needs to get done. One of those things is to sort out my WordPress install as the recent upgrade has left it littered with errors. It seems to be working OK but… well.. it’s annoying. Other than that, with the bulk of last week concentrated […]

The Architects of Information

Reading time: 2 mins I’m a member of the Information Architecture Institute (IAI) but I’m still not really sure why. I joined about a year ago, although I’d been following the website and reading articles in this area for some time before that. During that time I developed a sense that, at a fundamental level, there is a lot […]

Dreaming of dreams

Reading time: < 1 min I had a lucid dream the other morning. Louise had gotten up early and I dozed off again to grab a final 15 mins in bed. When I say dozed off, I really mean that I was vaguely aware of her alarm going off before nodding back off some seconds later. Nanoseconds that is… When […]

Life with the Cocoon

Reading time: 4 mins DISCLAIMER: I was given an O2 Cocoon by a PR firm. I am under no obligation to blog about it at all, nor was I to only mention it if the ‘review’ was favourable. If this post offends you, then feel free to leave. But if you were thinking of buying one… read on. As […]

Recently Read

Reading time: 3 mins Another week, another quick set of links. I really should start using one of these new fangled “social bookmarking” sites for this, shouldn’t I. Problem is I already have a del.icio.us account for personal use, and I like being able to add some thoughts about the links but it limits that slightly. In saying that, […]