As a wise man once said, time flies like a banana. I may be paraphrasing (badly at that, sorry Groucho) so let’s skip on quickly. Brevity is the name of the game today for whilst I’m delighted that the company is allowing the development team to swan off for an afternoon of beer and ten-pin bowling, I am still losing several hours from my working week. With that in mind..
ISTC Conference 2007 writeup
File this one under “Ask and ye shall receive”. I’m a member of the ISTC but couldn’t make it to the conference, so I pinged their mailing list to ask if anyone who had attended would possibly write up their thoughts.
Many thanks to Mike Unwalla for taking the time to write up summaries and thoughts on the presentations he attended:
- Keynote address by Scott Abel
- Certification for Technical Authors
- Translation-oriented authoring—a prerequisite for efficient authoring
- Managing the lifecycle of your technical communication
- Leveraging DITA in a multilingual environment
- Writing justifications and comparative analyses
- Developing a communication-across-the-curriculum culture
- Staying agile
- Reasons to be cheerful—part 1
- CMS: how to avoid a content mess system
- Around the World in 80ms
Of key interest to me was the thoughts on working in an Agile development environment, with the suggestion of “Decoupling the publication of documentation from the delivery of the software” being something we are discussing at present. More on that later.
Scott Abel on Web 2.0
A shared set of slides from a presentation that aims to help us better understand how the semantic web (that’s the Web 2.0 bit) is impacting on technical communications, and how we can leverage some of the tools and ideas to our benefit.
I’ve touched on this myself a little, although I’m pretty sure the biggest impact is, and will remain, Google. This area is still (constantly) evolving so it’s worth keeping an eye on things.
“In determining the risks involved in completing a publications project on time and on budget, some years ago my organization developed a simple assessment tool that we call a Dependencies Calculator.”
And oldie but a goodie. I developed something very similar at a previous company and after a few iterations it proved very valuable.
Requires Java.
Information R/evolution
Interesting little video that explores the continuing evolution of how we treat information. Simple and yet powerful and thought-provoking.
“I gave a talk at Sun Labs where I encountered a special light switch in one of their conference rooms. At first I thought it was some kind of silly “engineer” joke. But the light switch functions as stated for real.”
An excellent example of over documenting something rather than changing the design
“The biography is probably one of the most basic elements in a portfolio (what kind of website or blog doesn’t have an “about” page?) but can be one of the difficult. To this day, I still haven’t written one I’m 100% happy with. But hopefully with some different perspectives, it can be easier.”
I struggle with this kind of thing too, some good hints which should help improve things a little.
Writing for the Web
The website of the book that I’m now waiting on being delivered (gosh, what an ugly sentence).
PDF exploit in the wild
Sorry to end on a bum note, but something to note for those of you who, like me, distribute docs in PDF format. Don’t worry, it’s not as bad as things are made out (but what ever is?).