We're taking the Costa Brava plane

Stepping out the front door, greeted by pinched skin and the glisten of frost on the car, I realise that summer is truly over. Just as well, I thought, that we’re off to Spain next week. Still mid-20s there which will do very nicely thankeweverymuch. But no, it’s not a last minute description.

As well as being thoroughly hacked, nay fucked, off about the non-running-ness brought about by my knee injury (you’ll note how I’m trying to stay away from the d- word) there has also been the small issue of Louise packing her job in. That’s not the whole story though, never is, is it.

She worked for a small local company, the type of place where job titles don’t matter that much as everyone just pitches in as and where needed. Her official title was Customer Sales Support… summat, but she was also the Office Manager and had various other admin responsibilities. It’s the kind of role that suits my wife down to the ground as she’s at her best at the centre of things (her nickname there was “the Hub”, I’m not entirely sure that was all that kind) and for a long time she liked things there. Unfortunately the company took a downturn and the CEO started to display some less than wonderful ‘management techniques’. I struggle to understand the motivation behind the ethos he was aiming for, having spent all my working life in IT where working hours are flexible, tea breaks are whenever you want them, and ultimately you are treated like an adult and allowed to get on with things.

Suffice to say that she’d been looking to move for about 6 months, but a few ‘last straws’ had passed until, when she returned home crying for umpteenth time we decided she should tell him where to stick his job. Either that or I’d go up there and throttle him. Faced with a husband jailed for murder, Louise wrote her resignation later and handed it in a couple of weeks ago. We knew we’d be ok, money-wise, for a couple of months but it took us into the unknown.

I’m not very good with the unknown and I only realised at the weekend that my stress levels were through the roof, and that I needed to dial back a little less I head off down a road seldom travelled (blimey, it IS hard to obfuscate such things).

Knee-wise it’s still sore but feels a little better, and I’m going to use my time off running to build my upper body strength, tone up where I can, and improve my flexibility with some basic yoga stuff (whatever I can manage without stressing my knee of course).

Job-wise, Louise was offered, and accepted, a job yesterday! She went for the interview in the morning and they offered her the job that afternoon. She was positively beaming about the interview and the company, and is still a little stunned that they offered her the job so quickly. I keep telling her that she is more talented than she thinks (a long standing issue with my wife) but I think, now, she is starting to believe it!

Woo hooo, what a great day.

Where does this fit with flying to Spain? Well, we had already discussed that, presuming Louise got a job before November, that we would fly out and see her Dad before she started her new job, rather than try and get a week away as soon as she is in the door. As she starts on October the 7th, that left us with next week. It’s a hard life…

In other news, I neglected to wish my mate Keith a Happy Birthday yesterday but, as he was in hospital getting his appendix removed, I don’t think he’ll have noticed. Sorry mate.

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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Frost? Blimey! It’s chilly here, but at least 8 degrees above that.

I wish more people would do what Louise did and vote with their feet when they’re dealt shit by their bosses. It might teach small company owners how to treat their employees with the same respect they expect them to show to customers. Good on her!

Well done that woman!

Yes indeed, the message ‘I’d rather have no job at all than work for you any longer’ is quite a strong one. Good for Louise, good for you and I’m glad you can fit in a holiday before the new job starts.

Frost? In September? Gosh.

Glad to hear you are off on your hols – it sounds like you both need the rest.

Hope you have a lovely time.

Well done to Louise, matey – as BW says, it’s definitely a good thing, and I’m glad it’s all worked out for the best.

As for the rest, well, you know where I am if you’re in need of rantage, or someone to bounce stuff off.

Those guys were knuckleheads in the extreme to be horrible to a quality gal like Louise. What were they thinking????

Well, no more looking back, huh? Congratulations on the new job!!!

Your knee will heal in time. Be patient. You can always try swimming, it’s easier on the joints.

Have fun in Spain.

wee sis says:

Just glad things have worked out for you and a holiday to relax before the new job kicks off is always a great idea! Give your dad my love! My ankle still bothering me so looks like you and me both toning our upper bodies in the meantime, not much luck on the job front for me either so hopefully your luck will rub off on me too! Luv ya’s xx

Ian's Mum says:

That company must be kicking themselves. I saw Louise on tuesday, looking great and happy. Enjoy your break, you both deserve it, sorry we won’t see you on the 28th, we will keep some bubbly for you!

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