Without wanting to have you all reaching for the sick buckets, I do want to take a moment to confirm to the world that I am married to the most beautiful, caring, sexy woman in the world.
She makes me laugh when I need it, she listens when I moan, she knows when to leave me alone and when to start baking. She is my best friend, my companion, my centre. She is everything, she is home.
But she knows all that. I tell her almost every day.
11 years ago today I was standing in a room full of friends and family, slightly nervous, and slightly unsure of what the day would hold. That much I remember. The rest of the day is a blur, but if I concentrate hard enough I can recall snippets of conversations, dances, and speeches. Memories flood back, a happy day.
I can’t remember if Louise said “I do” or “I will” or “Ohhh I s’pos..”, all I know is that she agreed and made me, then and now, the happiest man in the world.
Happy Anniversary darling, I love you.
Happy day to you both.
happy anniversary, gordon and louise – go out and spoil yourselves π
Rubbish! I’m married to the most beautiful, caring etc etc woman who ever lived, not you. I’ve just checked, and she told me she isn’t married to anyone else, so you must be fibbing.
It’s all a matter of perspective, you see.
Anyway, I hope that you had a good day. You two have had more than eight years more practice at this marriage lark than we have, but we find that it goes along just fine provided there is a good supply of steak, red wine and chocolate.
Sorry graybo, I’ve been checking again and can confirm that I am definitely married to… ohh, I see.
And yes, steak, red wine and chocolate aren’t ever far from our house.
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