Simple is as simple does

Reading time: 4 mins I’m going to start this with something controversial, I do hope the following statement doesn’t shock you, so please take a moment to prepare yourself. OK? All set? Maybe a few deep breaths first. OK, here it is. My new PC is fast, shiny and does lots and lots and lots of things. Phew, that […]

Feeling bookish

Reading time: < 1 min My new job is taking a lot of my time, and as it’s kick started my dormant professionalism, it’s also sapping my book reading time as well. Coupled with that I do seem to be on a non-fiction bent of late, I’m part way through “Make it Stick” and have just ordered some books with […]


Reading time: 3 mins There was a fairly massive “UK blog event” last week, which culminated in the publishing of a book called Shaggy Blog Stories (you HAVE ordered your copy, haven’t you?). It was a remarkable undertaking and everyone involved should be, and has been, rightly applauded. Plaudits well earned if you ask me. Of course, as with […]

Notes from a frazzled blogger

Reading time: < 1 min Alec Salmond, for it was the self-same leader of the SNP who was visiting our offices yesterday, is a man of varying sizes. I know this to be true because whilst I feel he looks taller and thinner in the flesh than he appears on-screen (the place where politicians live), a colleague thought he looked […]

Edinburgh Blogmeet

Reading time: < 1 min OK people, let’s meet! The first blogmeet of the year will be in Edinburgh, on the 19th May, and the venue will be confirmed closer to the date. I think the Jolly Judge may be getting a little small for our needs, but of course that depends largely on how many people turn up. As […]


Reading time: 2 mins Busy busy busy, so I’ll “borrow” this from a recent ISTC newsletter. The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly neologism contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternate meanings for common words. Coffee (n.), the person upon whom one coughs. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained. […]