Gardening yesterday, had more planned for today but Mother Nature decided the plants needed watering. Typical. So we’re off to the cinema later so I can drool over Angelina Jolie and Louise can drool over Brad Pitt… and Angeline Jolie. In her own words it’s “great being a woman”. Personally I don’t think it’s fair and she’s just being greedy, and anyway Brad isn’t my type.
Big Blogger continues a pace. Rumours of me running naked around the garden may have some substance.
And now a little word about online etiquette.
I have a “Contact Me” link over there on the left, some people don’t and their comment box is the only way you can contact them. Trackbacks are for links to other posts that relate to the current post. Please don’t abuse any of the aforementioned methods of communication. Ithankeweverymuch.