
Tonight, Channel Four, 10.30pm (I think) Channel Five at 10pm. House. As previously mentioned. Worth a watch if you can get past Hugh’s American accent – his wonderfully acerbic character should help.


Road charges. According to the Beeb there seems only to be some “outrage” and on the whole this idea seems to be gaining some momentum. Of course that’ll all change when the government publish proposed figures of how much it will cost a driver, and everyone sits down to do the arithmetic. As the numbers start to add up, it’s how far beyond what we currently pay that will make or break this idea, I think.


G8 Protesters say “We demand the right to march past the gates of Gleneagles on Wednesday 6 July to have our voices heard.”. I say: “Wisen up, never gonna happen. Wouldn’t your efforts be better spent in other ways?”


Today, Big Blogger begins. Who will win, you decide (but if you don’t vote for me… I’ll throw a hissy fit and stamp my foot! Again!).


Just realised that I missed this sites sixth anniversary back on the 2nd of June. Six years since I started writing this nonsense, back in the days when a blog was just a mis-spelling (well it was to me), and homepages were the all rage. Funny thing is how, looking at how my site was back then we don’t seem to have come too far.