
Reading time: < 1 min Not as hungover as I thought I might be although the Tokyo Long Island Iced Tea has certainly left a slight ‘fuzziness’ – can’t find a recipe for it, but from memory, it’s a Toyko Tea, minus the Midori, and topped up with Coke a la the Long Island Ice Tea. It was more drinkable […]


Reading time: 2 mins Slowly getting around to fixing some minor things here. The search is now a bit better (still can’t get it to return a different number of posts than are currently set to display on the main page – frankly this is ridiculuous but the forum, Wiki and Google are still failing me on this), and […]

Simplicity achieved?

Reading time: 2 mins The rise and rise of products like Apple’s iPod and applications like Firefox and Flickr have gotten me thinking. What do those products have in common? Simplicity. They aren’t bogged down with hundreds of options and all provide a basic service that people want and provide it well. Flickr is possibly an exception as once […]

PICS Label

Reading time: < 1 min Prompted by Joshuaink. This site now has a PICS label. PICS “was originally designed to help parents and teachers control what children access on the Internet, but it also facilitates other uses for labels, including code signing and privacy.” I don’t swear much on this site, but it’s nice to be nice and all that. […]


Reading time: < 1 min The online status of is currently changing faster than superman in a phone booth. One minute it’s up, next minute it’s down. I wouldn’t mind but I can’t get the built in “blogrolling-esque” WordPress stuff to work properly (it won’t show when I site has been updated), and considering Bloglines was down for a […]

Out of closet

Reading time: 3 mins OK. Time to come clean. It was bound to get out and it’s not like I haven’t hinted about this but.. well given that I’ll be grabbing traffic from here today, I think it’s time to put the record straight. My name is Gordon McLean. I’m a T-shirt-a-holic. There. I’ve said. It feels like a […]