
To be sung to a classic four bar blues riff – think “Bad to the Bone” from Terminator 2, each line interspersed with a DA NAH NAH NAAH NA style, chugging guitar:

Woke at two thirty,
The house was hot,
Got up outta bed,
So see what’s what,

Was the heating busted?
Or was it still on?
Temperature reading

Bashed a few buttons,
To turn it back down,
Set it to thir-teen,
My job was done,

Then I woke up this morning,
To a cold cold house,
The wife she was angry,
I felt like a louse

And so on. I really should learn how to operate that new fangled control unit thing we got installed.

bookmark_borderInsert Foot

You may, or may not, recall that I found a certain recent advert quite funny (the rest of this post won’t make sense if you haven’t read it).

In a moment of perfect timing, I was just laughing my head off about it, sharing the story with some colleagues and wondering why one of them wasn’t laughing all that hard.

As she walked off someone told me she’d just split up with her boyfriend and had just been talking about spending Christmas on her own again.

Well, how was I supposed to know!

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bookmark_borderFaith restored

Fuck me. Just got off the phone. Seems like I left my wallet on the train. Thankfully someone handed it in so I can pick it up later on. Jesus that’s scary!

I wonder if it was that annoying bint who plonked herself down next to me and proceeded to nudge me every 10 seconds whilst she put on her war paint?

Hang on. How did they get my mobile number? Hmmm must have it written in my wallet somewhere… on my donor card probably.



What makes a good blog?

That is a very good question, and I’m going to attempt an answer. No, not now, later. Once I’ve had time to think about it and you’ve had time, yes YOU dear reader, to give me your thoughts on the topic.

Between us I’m sure we can answer this fundamental question. And yes I know it’s been asked and answered before, but I’m looking for a few more personal reasons. What do YOU think makes a good blog? Why do YOU visit the blogs that you visit?

Posted in UncategorizedTagged


How many hits does your website get*, on average, do you get a day? And don’t say you don’t know, we all do it ya know!

And what service do you use to count them?

* amended to stop anymore smart arse answers. Blame Vaughan