Scottish Blogmeet

Reading time: < 1 min Edinburgh, Saturday the 11th December, venue to be confirmed. Be there or.. be somewhere else but I’d really like it if you were there. I’ve corrected the date. Apologies for any confusion. It is definitely on the Saturday. The 11th. NOT the 12th.


Reading time: < 1 min Today I am wearing my “Nothing is any good if other people like it” t-shirt (scroll to foot of page). But what type of statement is that? It’s not ironic, but I’m certain it’s more than sarcasm. Any high-brow readers care to try and classify it? (I’m still coffee-less so will try myself later on).

SLR-less shyness

Reading time: 2 mins Late-night shopping last night, so Louise came into Glasgow to meet me after work (she was held up because the police had closed London Road, but NOT because of anything traffic related. So why? Heard nothing else about this but we did spot three police officers stopping random cars near George Square, most odd. I […]


Reading time: 2 mins This post may not interest you in the slightest, the main point is that you shouldn’t notice a thing but it may be quiet here for a few days in the near future. I think, after four and a half years, through Blogger Pro, the Google buyout, the redesign and all the early day issues, […]

Bugger this

Reading time: < 1 min Blogger is playing up. Again. Such is the price for using an American based service it seems, every morning is the same. Come 4pm GMT the site zips along like nobodies business, leading me to one of two conclusions. 1. Our American friends are finally ‘getting’ with the whole Kyoto thing and switching off lights […]

Mad busy

Reading time: < 1 min I’m far too busy to even considering posting something, let alone spend the time thinking up something coherent. Admittedly it would make a nice change for me to actually THINK before posting, but hey, why change the habit of the last four or so years? So yes, very busy, working. Lots of working and business […]