
Black artists take over US top 10.

Expected? I guess so, but does it really hold any significance? SHOULD it hold any significance?

I enjoy Hip-Hop, RnB (old and new), Rap, Soul (old and new), all of which are classed as ‘black music’ and I understand why it holds the categorisation. But that doesn’t mean I am comfortable making the definition.

I just hope the term ‘black music’ is used in context – hinting at how the music has evolved from the five-note scale, through gospel and enslaved workers and prisoners chanting, through the later minstrel shows and ragtime, to the introduction of the blues and Dixieland, and onto Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, and Soul ending at the Rap and Hip-Hop of today.

(Note: Check out the “Top Music Stories Now” sidebar, last two entries… sounds vaguely suspicious)

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Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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