Much harder than I thought it would be, but great fun. Raised £214 for Amnesty, and in total the Blogathon will probably break the £100k barrier for the first time (£97k and counting at the moment). You can still sponsor me (lines close in about 24 hours).
The posts will remain archived here (also includes 25 photos for my 26 things entry).
Thanks to everyone who dropped by with a comment, or popped up on Messenger, I really couldn’t have done it without you guys. I’m gonna pull together a few links of the sites I visited the most during the 24 hour period, and the Blogathon site will be update over the coming days with the award winners and some choice links.
Ohhh and did I mention my ugly mug made it onto the front page twice!! (you have to scroll a bit for the first one…)
So what did you all do at the weekend?