ukbloggers-discuss mailing list is currently hosting an ‘interesting’ discussion concerning the possible, maybe, start of a discussion about discussing the possibility of arranging a UK conference for something remotely blog related, or in that general sphere of the internetwebthingy.
OK, I’m taking the piss slightly, but there are several (at least 3) bright people making some excellent points, and one of the mad fools has grabbed the bull by the horn (always unpleasant) and has started the ball rolling, down the hill where it will gather no moss…. ehh… losing track here…
My view of conferences, whether work related or not, is to meet people (sorry, to network..ick). The topics and speakers are a part of it, but usually only act as a catalyst to provoking discussions over lunch, and comparisons, and so it begins. It’s all about the people.
(Although the geek in me really, really wants to go to Gnomedex to see and hear all the latest ‘cool’ ideas and gadgets!)