Bits and Bobs

Didn’t cover Independence Day yesterday, too busy working on a little project for this site (coming soon, now how many times have I said that!). Also didn’t get round my usual visits, so missed Jennie’s redesign, Meg’s run in with looney cornflake lady (again), Julie’s bizarre dinner at breakfast accident, Tom’s rant against the Guardian which I wholeheartedly agree with, I’m not on the list either! (Ehh maybe because I didn’t send in my URL?), finding out how to raise zombies, the realisation that I am not the only person who relies on diet coke for a caffeine fix, and I’m not sure what ‘deliciously tired’ means… (you got some strange fetish going on there or something?) but I think Pinky’s Spy name seems weirdly apt.

I’ve also been missing a LOT of annelizabeth as I was visiting her old URL – silly me – and I’m contemplating how well something like this would go down on the Clockwork Orange.

In other news, I spent last night doing precisely nothing. Watched Spiderman cartoons, surfed a little (mainly CSS and javascript sites – there’s a little clue for you), played a few games on the Playstation, read, ate, drank, fell asleep at 1 a.m. (finally).

Woke up with a cracking sore head that refuses to shift. And I’m off to see Minority Report tonight.

Right, are we all caught up now?

Written By

Long time blogger, Father of Jack, geek of many things, random photographer and writer of nonsense.

Doing my best to find a balance.

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