
Reading time: < 1 min Carey gets back to basics, and I must admit I’ve been thinking something similar as I’ve recently been pondering the ‘why’ and ‘who’ of this very website. Of course when Carey does it, it looks good, like a post ironic take on neo-modernism… or something… Anyway it again brings up the subject of ‘why’. I’ve […]


Reading time: < 1 min That quote looks familiar (mind you, it was Vaughan that tipped me off about the mailing list in the first place…).

Made in Taiwan

Reading time: < 1 min I remember, as a child, receiving a toy car. I don’t remember the exact make or model, but I do remember that, on the underside, were the words “Made in Taiwan”. Taiwan. It sounds exciting and different, although growing up in Dumbarton ANYTHING sounds exciting and different, but this was other-worldly, and for the first […]


Reading time: < 1 min It’s been a long time (over a year) since I last checked out this site, and to my glee it is still being updated. Things my girlfriend and I have argued about (no not me silly, him…).

At last

Reading time: 2 mins A community-edited guide to Kuro5hin! Ko4ting. Probably best to start with What is Kuro5hin? The religion of Coca-Cola Coca-Cola in Latin America: “Coca-Cola plainly stands as an unvarnished symbol of neoliberalism and modern corporate mercantilism” Again globalization hits the news, but it is beginning to become more and more unbelievable. This article shows, once again, […]

More Clever Stuff

Reading time: < 1 min Ok, I think I’m up and running now (it’s a bit unnerving when Blogger goes down for maintenance just after you’ve been trying out a new script. You can’t help thinking… oops was that me?). Meta Linker is now in full effect y’all. A simple idea, but could prove useful/fun/annoying. Have to wait and see […]