With the Queen’s Golden Jubilee imminent, the press has been focusing on all things royal. As usual this includes discussions and commentary about the role the monarchy play as part of British society. One particular piece on this morning’s BBC Breakfast News suggested that the only thing that needs to change is moving the monarchy from a constitutional basis to a figurative one. Retaining the monarchy as a symbol and recognised figure of the United Kingdom, performing ceremonial duties, and moving any authority and legislative duties to parliament.
This seems to be an ‘ideal’ solution. I see no reason, and no way of just abandoning the monarchy, whether you agree with the principles they are part of our history, and in today’s ‘instant’ society, we might well do ourselves a favour to ensure they survive.
Having read an article at hydragenic, I too have also repraised my thoughts about Prince Charles, particularly in light of his recent initiative. Maybe it’s time to support our monarchy instead of constantly barraging them.
Long live the Queen!