
Reading time: < 1 min Bah no footie today, lack of players, and I really need the exercise, guess I’ll have to look for something else to do. Late into work, had to take Louise into Doctor’s. She’s desperately trying to get well, before her interview tomorrow. Still tweaking my new design.


Reading time: 2 mins I’m buying a guitar, an acoustic, from a friend, and I’m not really sure why. I come from a musical family, learnt to play the piano to a high grade (was studying for my Grade 7 when I packed it in – Grade 8 is the teacher’s exam). My dad plays the guitar and sings, […]

Storm front

Reading time: < 1 min Back in action (not sure how many people will spot me yet, might take a while for the redirect to kick in). Damn just remembered I haven’t updated my META tags – I’ll add it to this list to do tomorrow. I said earlier it was windy, consider that an understatement. Last reports have 4 […]

Big bad wolf

Reading time: < 1 min Windy today – as in, blowing roofs off houses windy… and we’ve got 5-a-side tomorrow – oh joy! Quiet weekend, Louise not well, so pretty much a day in on Sunday.

Emotional surfing

Reading time: < 1 min A bit stiff this morning, but not as bad as I thought I’d be, survived the extertion quite well considering. Pushing on with re-design, and WILL get ISP sorted out this weekend. I feel strangely excited in anticipation of the next couple of months, not sure why though. Work wise I see a few changes, […]


Reading time: < 1 min Wednesday. 5-a-side tonight, then home without disturb my S.O.’s viewing of Smallville (I’ll catch a repeat later on). Wednesday. And I’ve still not phoned my ISP. Wednesday. And all the pain of Monday night is ebbing away. You’ll get through it J, I know you will.