Patterned snooze

Can anyone help me figure out how much sleep I really need? A ‘typical’ night for me is to get to bed at about 11:30 pm and get up at 7:00 am. Last night I was in bed by 10:00 pm and I’m STILL knackered.

Hence the reason I am questioning my thoughts at the moment. Is it because I’m tired that I don’t seem to care? Is it laziness that stops me doing anything? Again I promised to do some stuff from someone, and again, I’ve not even contemplated starting it. Is it any wonder I run short of friends. Any wonder that I don’t seem to ‘connect’ to people any more? Am I headed back down that path again? Or is it all just an adjustment of sleeping patterns. The new ‘healthy’ eating campaign kicking in? Who should I be asking for answers (aside from me, I don’t have any). Flat mood, doing something so as not to do anything.

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