bookmark_border25 Tracks

No, it’s not a meme (although I think there is one).

Let’s say that you could download, for free, 25 tracks of music. And, for the sake of completeness, let’s say that this opportunity was given to you by the lovely Lisa of Rullsenberg Rules and that the tracks must be available from which has a huge range covering most genre.

What would YOU download?

And yes, if I get 25 tracks from you lot, I’ll download them and.. well… something else might happen.

So, ONE TRACK PER PERSON please, and I’ll try and confirm if it’s available. The trial runs out in 14 days, but you’ll all lose interest WAY before then, so have at it!

P.S. I’m not sure but if you want to participate, I think it’s better if someone recommends you, and as Lisa was generous enough to do that for me she might do it for you too..

P.P.S. Check my page if you want some ideas of what I LIKE, not that that will sway any of you, I’m sure…