bookmark_borderAll change!

So, there are a few things around here that are still a bit.. erm.. broken. In the spirit of transparency, and in case I’ve missed anything that you’ve spotted, here is everything that will be fixed or changed in the coming week, fortnight.. month?

  • Archive page – this will be slightly different from the previous one, depending on what plugins I can get to work
  • Comments – still some work to do on these, I’d like to be able to highlight MY comments, and I still think it needs some tidying up. I’d definitely like to “pretty” up the comment form itself.
  • The “First Visit/Previous Posts” area still isn’t quite how I want it. Might need to span both columns to stop it wrapping at smaller window sizes.
  • Search results need work, mainly showing more, truncated, results on a page. Also need to decide whether to lose the sidebar for ‘single’ pages (a decision that rolls out across other areas of the site).
  • More whitespace between the columns? Maybe.
  • The link colours still elude me, I quite like the contrast between the main content links and the sidebar area.
  • Blogroll needs a drastic update!
  • CSS issues – a variety of annoyances thanks to IE collapsing margins, most notable in the comments (the numbers are cropped in half).
  • Double-checking the banner is properly centred!
  • A “go” button on the search box at the top of the page will be added.

Suggestions are encouraged as ever. I write the content for me, but how the site used is solely aimed at you, dearest reader. And no, I’m not changing the font (it’s been this one for AGES, that bit didn’t change!).

Of course all of this is simply procrastination, but I figure if I post this list I might actually get some of the items fixed. Maybe.

In the meantime, I’m sure the Post of the Week site will keep me busy.

bookmark_borderMixed message

Aretha caresses my ear as the headlines leap off the page and stab my eye.

News of a Home Office campaign to warn men that “having sex without consent could lead to a prison sentence” is launched today. I didn’t think that was something new, but it turns out it’s more to do with raising awareness and re-educating minds. A good thing I’m sure you’ll agree.

However, it does make me wonder. Will future liasons be marked with the presentation of a pre-printed card.

Fancy a shag?

   Yes            No

Sign here ____________________


Bloggies 2006 results and many congratulations to, as Anna graciously puts it,”Girl, Tokyo Girl and Zoe (“ZoeGirl”?), you are all fabulous, and now even more officially so”.

I’m trying to claim some credit as they are all on my blogroll but I’ll concede that that was probably NOT a swaying decision when the votes were being counted. Those results aside it seems that Post Secret and Boing Boing took every other award. Sad really and seems to prove, as many have suggested, that the competition is becoming a little bit exclusive. Sorry, yer names not down, you ain’t gettin’ in.

And a quick word for the despairing losers. Velocity. (sorry, couldn’t resist, and no it’s not my joke)



Kept me up until 1 a.m. that did, and it STILL doesn’t bloody work!


Back to Aretha singing the classics, yours for only £6.97. It’s worth every penny and much much more. So much class on such a tiny silver disc. Hard to believe sometimes.

And, with my soul being serenaded and the strings of my heart being plucked, I’ll leave; to dally here any longer would ruin everything.

My ears are being caressed and it’s sure to be a good day.

bookmark_borderCalling All Gurus

CSS gurus that is.

Have a gander at this page and then tell me why I can’t get the navigation (Home, Gallery, Links) to center align in that DIV?!

To break it down a little, the DIV under the banner is TOPNAV, within that is an unordered list with an id of NAVLIST. I’ve tried applying a text-align: center; to the NAVLIST and to the TOPNAV div to no avail. Totally baffled.

Maybe there’s an easier way to do it? Should I ditch the idea of using a list altogether?

Ohh and Keith, mate, have a gander as well, it’s your site that’s causing me all these hassles!!!

UPDATE: Sorted. 30 mins. That’s impressive. Of course if I’d actually applied the rules had I’d previously on another DIV that I’ve since deleted… width and auto margins.. then it’d work as expected. As ever, having someone else look at the code you’ve had your head buried in for hours is the easiest way to get these things sorted out.


I’ve been making a conscious effort, over the past month or two, to improve the quality of what I post here both to challenge myself and in keeping with that whole “personal improvement” thing I’m always told I should strive for (I say “you can’t improve on perfection”, they say “beauty is in the eye of the beholder ya ugly muppet”). Of course I’m not trying to improve my body here, just my mind.

My body is becoming increasingly resigned to it’s fat(e).

One thing I won’t be doing is focussing on a particular topic, mainly because I’m painfully aware of my shortcomings, and I actually prefer to be a “jack of all trades” blogger. My personal interests don’t really lend themselves to a focussed blog anyway so I’d just end up fighting against my natural curiosity.

Now I seem to have attracted several new visitors recently, most of which have come back (they’ll see through me soon I’m sure) and it’s been interesting and refreshing to hear new points of view. So refreshing that, when I heard that the 9rules network was opening for new members I zipped across and signed up.

What does this mean to you, dear reader? Not a thing really. The increasing focus on longer pieces will remain (although I reserve the right to post silly/short/gross stuff from time to time – apologies to those who were effected by my scab story), and you’ll notice a few tweaks to the design here and there, possibly including the addition of adverts.

I still can’t fully make up my mind on that one, it does seem like “selling out” slightly as I always maintain that this site is a hobby, but then a large number of sites that I visit have adverts on them and they don’t bother me. Currently, I’m leaning towards including them and monitoring the stats. Yes, I think that’s the way to go, an experiment, if you will.

If I get the time (unlikely) I MAY make the initial tweaks for the May 1st CSS Reboot.

Anyway, I’m sure you’re bored of me whittering on about this site, so I’ll stop.

bookmark_borderSassafrassin Rassafrasser!

This is driving me nuts.

It may be an issue with my WordPress installation, or my CSS, an example of the problem can, currently, be seen two posts down.

If I add a blockquote in WordPress, it adds [blockquote] around the area of text. All well and good. But if the quote has more than one paragraph, it adds a [p] tag within the blockquote, but only for the SECOND paragraph causing the blockquote to get all huffy (technical term).

Currently the CSS for the blockquote looks like this:
#content-float blockquote { color: #663399; padding: 8px; background: #F6FBF7 border: 1px dotted #CC99FF; font-style: italic; font-family: Georgia, Times, serif; }

The [p] tag within the blockquote won’t inherit from it as [blockquote] is below [p] in the CSS hierarchy (I think) but I can’t seem to get my head around how to structure the CSS to cope with this, or should I be looking to the format of the HTML rather than the CSS??

Suggestions, corrections, amendments or even disbelieving comments about my stupidity all welcomed (well all apart from the latter, obviously, that’s just nasty…).