bookmark_borderI am the chairman

Everyday I am someone new. Today I am bored. The mundane day to day churn has nothing to alleviate it but it keeps me busy, and we are told that being busy is good so, by definition, today must be good.

But it isn’t. It’s boring and, more than that, it is slow. I look up from my screen and the view is flat and uninspiring. My email lies silent, and the task that stretches before me aren’t exactly engaging (tidying up the layout and styling of lots and lots, like tens of thousands, of paragraphs of text).

I’m bored. Listless. Lacking. Missing. Absent.

But let’s be honest, being bored isn’t really something to complain about, is it?

I have a job, that pays for a house and food and clothes. I’m reasonably well educated and live a comfortable existence. My lot is not a bad one, it is, to all extents and purposes, a good one. I have nothing to complain about, yeah I’ve had a shitty month but that’s past and the future holds much promise.

It’s probably just because I’m tired, staying up too late last night, candle burning, then up early to light a match to the other end of said candle. I know my sleep patterns have an effect on my mood, and too many late nights make Jack a dull boy.

Which prompts the question, who the hell is Jack? The only one I know isn’t even real (but he IS kick ass and never ever needs to pee).

It also prompts other questions, perhaps I need a good blowout. A night on the tiles might just be the answer. Yes, I need to get my thinking cap on and get something organised. Get plans in place and execute! Yes! Be a go-getter, be proactive and positive and make it happen!


You know.

Until then.