bookmark_borderTop 100

There seems to be a bit of a brew-haha gathering on blogland. Well sort of, but unless you read certain sites you’d never know so let me summarise for you.

Technorati are trying to establish themselves as THE auditors of the web, amongst other things they maintain a “Top 100 blogs” list which lists all the top linked sites. It’s currently questionable that this “A list” is reliable and accurate, with others spring up in competition – Feedster’s Top 500 for example (500 does seem a little OTT mind you).

BlogHer, the conference (movement?) aimed at increasing the standing of women in blogging, and featured the following debate topic: “The BlogHer Debate question for 2005 is this: Women bloggers, how do you want the world to learn about what you’re creating — if at all? Do you want to play by today’s rules or change the game? … Does the current link-based power structure matter to you?

The link will take you to a more detailed discussion of how we got to this point.

The general idea, and something I’ve discussed here before, is that the current way of ranking the A-list gives the older blogs more prominence than may be accurate and discounts the inputs from new blogs – the female angle at BlogHer stems from the early adoptance of the internet by male dominated establishments I.M.O. – and is gathering momentum.

People have started de-linking A-list sites (I have some in my blogroll on the right) and while it’s easy to think of all this as yet another storm in a teacup and nothing that is of real importance, and while it gives more credence to the “navel-gazing” charge given to a lot of blogs by the mainstream media, I think we may be at a fundamental point in blogging’s evolution. I’m not unique in this thought, far from it, but I’m not sure the ground swell of reaction is focussed in the right direction.

Instead of discounting the A-list shouldn’t we be challenging them? Saying to them “come on, you are in a position of influence, use it wisely”? The people who are linked to the most wield a lot of “link-power” and yet few (any?) use that to promote new or upcoming blogs. Part of the problem may be a question of recognising which blogs to link to, but as has been demonstrated elsewhere, if someone has a mind to it, and with a bit of self-promotion, you can place yourself on their radar quite easily.

There is a lot of talk surrounding this and other similar issues at the moment – top 100/500 lists, ranking stats, and so on. I think they are being given undue focus though, it’s almost as though some people forget what blogging is about. Distilled to it’s core, blogging is about content. Those with good content will prosper, those without will not. It really shouldn’t be any more difficult than that.

Should it?


“What shall I write about today?” I pondered to no-one in particular. “It’s a thought ain’t it” I replied to myself.

Sometimes inspiration hits, sometimes it’s just a bag slung over a shoulder on the train, either way the jolt is the same and the kick start is enough to get your brain moving.

Except mine appears to be stuck. Don’t get me wrong, I can find plenty of topics to waffle on about, as I’m sure you’ve noticed, but that key ingredient, that essential release is missing.

I don’t post about work, I don’t really do much during the week, and weekends are typically spent on the mundane aspects of life, gardening, shopping, and so on. There is only so much I can say about my family without scaring everyone away (although with my Mum becoming a more frequent commenter I fear my blog days are numbered as it is, she’s getting a new kitchen don’t ya know), and only so much I can say about my life because I’m all too aware of who reads this nonsense (see previous brackets).

Maybe I should start up an anonymous blog?

Yes, I’m suffering blog depre… no I’m not using THAT word. Let’s call it blog malaise.

But then I look at other blogs and see that they don’t really talk about much either. “I need to develop some characters” I say to myself, my mum would be a prime candidate for this, and this would be the perfect place to catalogue all her little “foibles” (or should I say “turning into her mother”-isms?). She’s not quite on a league with my Gran yet mind you – who once referred to some pears as “runky” (spelling unconfirmed) – and has a way to go to catch up with the, now infamous, comment from another Granny (not mine) who, sometime in the mid-80s, pondered what the fascination was with these “pubic cubes”…

Mind you, maybe I don’t need to go to the lengths of embarassing my mother (if that’s even possible, she’ll pop along soon and deny it is, just you watch) as I’m fairly well practised at waffling myself out of these slumps, next thing you know I’ll be posting three or four times a day. Maybe that’s the “blogger secret”, the key, the solution. Just keep blogging.

God, that sounds trite.

bookmark_borderCat … pigeons

Well yesterday’s post certainly wound a few people up didn’t it. Anyone would think I did it on purpose (and yes I’m aware it’s easy to make those claims retrospectively).

So here’s the thing. Do I REALLY buy into that model? Or should I be asking whether it’s the model that is the issue or a general awareness of being part of a group of people (a very VERY large group) that is important?

Just because my blog is a hobby for me, should I just ignore those who are currently navel-gazing about the state of blogging? After all, I don’t want to challenge the mainstream media, nor do I really care about fame and fortune (other than getting that elusive Bloggie of course, or perhaps I should aim at getting a link on Kottke…), so why do I follow these discussions?

Well that’s a lot of question marks to tackle, so I’ll take them one at a time. Ohh and I reserve the right to paraphrase and ignore should it suit my needs (remember, my site my rules … blah blah blah).

1. Do I REALLY buy into that model?
Short answer. No. Whilst it’s easy to create wide catchment descriptions to easily drop blogs into, it loses one of the things that I love about blogs, the variation of content. I find those blogs that constantly harp on about the same topic are the type I visit once every few weeks, and even then I skim read. Plus the entire idea of a “Top Dog” group is no better than what we have at the moment, so I don’t see what gap this model is filling.

2. Is the model the issue or is it more to do with a general awareness that you belong to a group?
Possibly. Some of the commenters on my site backup the idea that groupings occur naturally but is that something that we should be assigning an importance to? Quite possibly, without some sort of grouping the internet and blogging in general becomes a mind bogglingly large space. Grouping makes it easier to find your way about. The crucial thing is that grouping is the sole preserve of the blog owner, not something dictated by others, the real “top dogs” are the ones that everyone has choosen to “group” with (which sounds a lot dirtier than it is, unless of course I’ve not been invited to those parties….).

3. Should I just ignore those who are currently navel-gazing about the state of blogging?
No I don’t think WE should. A bad parallel, and when I say bad I mean I’m too lazy to think of a better one, would be elections. Would you discourage people from voting and not understanding the issues? Whether you like the fact or not you, my blogging friends, are part of something that is seen as a group. The actions of the few will speak for the many. Personally I’d like to keep an eye on what’s being said. But that’s just me, you may not have the same emotional attachment and need for validation that… er… let’s move on.

To sum up – because I’m beginning to bore myself, heaven knows why anyone is still reading this – I think John’s theory is wide of the mark. At best it’s a good place to start, at worst it’s self-serving of the worst kind. One theory does not a good blogger make, no matter HOW much publicity it gets. John, no offense, but your aspirations are clear and I think that tarnishes what you publish, but I’m certain that for each casual blogger that turns up his or her nose at your theory, there will be a “pro-blogger” who will take it heart. THAT’S the beauty of blogging, it COMBINES diversity and inclusion.


Are there three blogospheres? asks John at Syntagma. He proposes the notion that blogging/bloggers can be categorised in three groups:

  • Primary – ” “Blogging” as a topic of discussion means nothing to them”
  • Secondary – contains the purely-for-business blogs
  • Tertiary – which comprises all those folk who talk endlessly about “the blogosphere”… serious bloggers, info-providers, probloggers, A, B, and C-listers

He proposes that the Tertiary group is the one that will push onwards, leading the way and which will produce “a few giants” over time, with motivation being the dividing factor.

I disagree, slightly, and think this model needs some clarification and additional rules. For a start it needs to explicitly state that the Tertiary group also consists of bloggers who are trying to make money from blogging, to that end it’s not always the case that they are “those folk who talk endlessly” about the state of blogging, more often than not they are the specialist blogs (Gizmodo for example) and rarely pitch in to discussions about the general state of blogging. However they’ll still be pushing ahead as they rely on audience numbers to pull in money.

Naturally, as with any model, there are exceptions to the rule and some bloggers will break out of their “group” and transcend everyone else, perhaps there needs to be a “Stratum” level group in which to place, for example, Dooce. Whether you like reading about her trials and tribulations as a mother, the mainstream media are very aware of her blog, she’s an A-list blogger with no monetary or advancement aspirations.

Anyway, to the crux of my disagreement, or perhaps discontent would be better. This model perpetuates the “them and us” situation we already have and I don’t see how it can, in the long term, benefit the blogging community. By declaring what is essentially a class system such as this, you immediately discount many blogs purely because their motivation isn’t to earn money, be recognised, or gain fame for themselves. There are many smart people who view blogging as a hobby – and would fall into the Primary group in this model – but offer insightful, thought provoking and useful posts. One example, and this is the first one that pops into my head (and I’m aware that I may be perpetuating my own little clique here), would be Adrian’s How to share iTunes over the Internet post which is a perfect example of a “Primary” group blog which, with one post, is now referenced in forums and sites.

Granted this will still be possible in this model but the I think there is has to be some awareness of the Tertiary group becoming very circular. Mind you, that would actually change anything that isn’t present with the A-list blogs at the moment, and is certainly not the fault of the model. However as it’s the “Tertiary” blogs that are discussing this at the moment, and by the model’s own definition they’ll be the only ones doing it, then perhaps John isn’t far off the mark when he states that “the Tertiary blogosphere … will eventually choke itself off”.

To summarise: I think the basic premise of this model isn’t far off the mark, but does seem a little “exclusive” at the moment. I think that can be clarified through wording though. There is also the small matter of the blogs who readily want to be part of the Tertiary group accepting some responsibility and is currently being discussed on other blogs – the small matter of those Top 100 lists. Are the A-listers really doing the what’s best for blogging or themselves?? More on that tomorrow.

* yes I KNOW what I said about that word, I still don’t like it, I’ve slapped myself already


Ohh it’s the new blogging, is it?

Could be, everyone’s at it, and it’s guaranteed to be “mainstream” now that iTunes support it but, and please don’t think of me as some neolithic oaf but what IS all the fuss about?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking those who are doing podcasts, I’ve heard some very good ones recently and as an extension of a blog they give an extra dimension to the personality behind the microphone of a type you only normally get when you meet some in person (real life, remember that? fresh air, no keyboard and REAL people, what a concept! It’ll never catch on that one…).

However let’s get this straight. A podcast (blogcast, whatever) is, unless I’m hugely mistaken, mainly a recording of someone talking, with the occasional spot of music thrown in. Right? Err… and this is a new idea? Well obviously it’s not (and just in case you miss my point, I’m referring to that old favourite, of the more refined knob twiddlers out there, radio) but I’ll tell you what is.


I can tune into hundreds, nay thousands, of radio stations right now and with a bit of searching I’m certain I can find a station that suits my interests. However the limitation of radio is that, because it’s being broadcast, it has to try and appeal to as many people as possible, even if the core subject is fairly specialised. Podcasting doesn’t have that limitation. Because YOU choose to download and listen to it, it can be as specialised and insular as it wants, the only person it has to please is you.

Anyway, if you’ve been on the ice planet Hoth for the past few months, then here are a few links to get you into podcasting. Ohh and ignore the “pod” part of the name, it’s not limited to iPods or MP3 players, you can create and listen to them on your PC.

As for me, well I’m gonna leave this one alone for the meantime preferring to remain elusively enigmatic and mysterious. Or maybe I just can’t be bothered (you can always listen to me on the radio if you’re desperate – 2.7MB MP3).

So, are podcasts the future of blogging? Possibly but I doubt it, at least not for a while. Too much like hard work at the moment, so until it becomes a lot easier to do I think it’ll remain on the outskirts for a while longer. However once it becomes a simple point and click exercise then I think they’ll soon be popping up all over the place. But then I’m sure they said the same about “audio blogging“, but they’ve been wrong before.

The real question is whether anyone can bring something NEW to podcasting. That’s where the challenge will lie, a true blending of the internet and radio is what is required and what has been sorely lacking so far. However cracks that one will leap ahead and we’ll have our first A-list podcaster.

bookmark_borderHome again, home again…

Writing this entry from my parents’ house.

So, back from sunny Devon where we had a glorious time. Thoughts, photos and whatnot will follow in a couple of days.

What did we miss whilst we were away? My sister graduated and can now add the letters B.A. after her name, dead chuffed and very proud of her. What else? Live 8, G8, the Olympic bid, the London bombings, and all that kind of “news”.

However it was all overshadowed by one thing, and whilst he’s back home now and is doing fine, my Dad had a heart attack (or heart incident as they are now called). Needless to say it was a bit of a shock and hastened us home a couple of days early. Thankfully it wasn’t a major “incident” but these things are always scary. It’s good to be home though.

Blogging will remain quietish here for another couple of days (THEN I’ll bore with you holiday tales and photos! haha!)