Things I need to do
1. Package up DVD player to go back (since it has developed a rather annoying, if very slight, colour flicker)
2. Double check all the sites in the Scottish Blogs Webring to ensure their IDs are correct (I know of a couple which aren’t right now)
3. Go to dentist (tomorrow)
4. Write up tonight’s film (“I Spy“, in short, inoffensive but don’t waste your money)
5. Stop mentioning “galactic toss monkeys” or even just the singular “galactic toss monkey” (God, I’m SUCH a google-whore…)
6. Burn some mix CDs (making sure I get Gary Jules – Mad World on one)
7. Create a blogroll of the member sites of Scottish Blogs (the benefits of being a contributor)
8. Watch the Alien movies (borrowed all 4 and no I haven’t ever seen them)
9. Get the car taxed (Yipes, I’ve just remembered that one)
10. Ohh that re-design thingy… dammit I knew I should’ve kept that one quiet
11. Plan the weekend (STILL to see Chicago, The Pianist, City of God, About Schmidt and Spider – and wanna see The Two Towers again if possible)
12. Fit 5 days work into the 3 remaining days of this week.
13. You STILL reading? Don’t think I’ve got better things to do with my time than finish this list?
14. STOP staring at my new lavalamp (how did I survive without this?)
15. Figure out why the Blogger Pro payment page won’t let me pay (I really wanna too)
16. Go to bed.

Ahh the last one is easiest, will start there I think.

[Update] 17. Backup My Documents folder (haven’t done any backups for a while)

insubstantial reminds me that I’ve been meaning to link to this site for a while now. I must say I like the principle, and as I have a ‘secret’ hotmail account that I use when websites demand an email address I’ve got a large stash of spam that I could use…

That reminds me of something else, must check if the email address actually exists… I would guess they are getting pissed off receiving half my crap email… oops.

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No, no, no!
Sometimes I worry. I’m turning into my Dad (which is no bad thing, as long as I don’t shrink to his height). My instant reaction, upon reading this article advocating allowing boys to ditch novels and books in place of trading cards and chat rooms, was NO!!!!

Study says boys do read, they just don’t read books
“There has been extensive debate over how to improve boys’ reading and writing levels, however boys may, in fact, be further ahead than girls because of their extensive use of the Internet and computer games, according to the study.”

Yeah, further ahead in how NOT to spell. Further ahead in how not to use grammar. Further ahead in not being able to string a paragraph together. Sorry but I wholeheartedly disagree. I work with people, intelligent people, who can’t spell properly. It’s almost embarassing at times.

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Donnie Darko
“Donnie Darko is a disturbed adolescent from a semi-functional upper-middle class family. After escaping from near death because he hears the voice of a 6 foot tall bunny, Donnie is led by the bunny to create havoc that is both destructive and creative.” (via imdb)

Was given this by a friend, watched it on Sunday.

Odd. Good, but odd.

Odd in a ‘that doesn’t add up’ kinda way. Good in a ‘doesn’t need to explain everything’ kinda way. Might purchase it for repeat viewing as I’m sure it will offer something new for a while yet.

An explanation (with spoilers) for those still slightly confused (like me).

You who forgot to tell ME
Sorry, I didn’t realise that Sunday was Internet Free Day. I apologise for surfing, I apologise for emailing, I apolo… hang on a sec. Did anyone else know about this? Did I miss the meme to end all memes? Or is the Evening Times (a West of Scotland paper) just kidding itself..
Internet Free Day? Why? Do they think that everyone who uses the Internet is addicted, can’t tear themselves away and just sit there, hour after hour, staring at their gorgeous new LCD screen, wondering whether or not they should incorporate some elements of previous designs into the new design for their site? Or whether or not they should vote in the Bloggies, or what else they can do with the Webring they maintina? I mean really… That’s preposterous…
Is it time to unplug my PC and rejoin real world?

Glasgow: Part 1 in an occasional series
Pronounced “Sockyhall” street, Sauchiehall Street is one of the main streets in Glasgow for both shops and pubs. It’s appeal for me is broadened as I didn’t ‘discover’ it until my late teens with my parents preferring to shop on Argyle Street.
Side note: my cousin currently works in the Willow Tea Rooms (so I would steer clear for a while as she’s a bit scatty).

This post was brought to you by way of an internet search for the branch of Blacks on the aforementioned street as it seems my waterproof jacket no longer is… time for a new one.