
The snow was not so thick this morning, to my relief.

I didn’t watch that ‘Chavs’ thing, so can’t comment.

Having not used a set for some time, don’t headphones feel funny. Akin to the feeling you get when you’ve been on holiday for two weeks, wearing nothing but shorts and you put on a pair of trousers. Slightly odd yet very familiar.

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Ever get that way when things just seem muffled? Distant, and not worth the effort? Well I’m putting today’s mood down to that, and it seems mother nature agrees as she’s blanketing the ground with snow as I type.

I’ve got loads to get through, both at work, at home and for others but no inclination or desire to do anything except lie in bed. Gosh this all sounds a bit familiar. So much so that I’ve been on the exercise machine tonight, I’m going to go to bed early (in about 30 mins), and I’ll see how deep the snow is tomorrow.

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bookmark_borderBusiness Idea

I see a lot of things online that I would like to purchase. Unfortunately a lot of them (increasingly so) are in the US, and I’ll be honest and say that I’m not going to pay almost the same again for the postage of an item.

So here’s the idea – club together with other people who are getting stuff shipped over and you should all be able to save?

Potentially then, with the agreement of online stores of course, you’d purchase an item and if you wanted cheaper postage – but a longer wait for the item – you’d add it to a bulk shipping cart. When the cart reaches a certain level, the items are shipped out. I’m sure discounts could be arranged, and most of the time the internal postage cost could be factored into the price.

If anyone ever sets up something like this (CBATG) let me know. I’m my silence can be bought…

UPDATE: Can you tell I didn’t really give this much thought? Probably why I’m still the monkey and not the organ grinder.

bookmark_borderPreacher Preacher

The one thing that always fascinates me about other people is that their opinions can be so wrong.

Of course when I say wrong I mean ‘different from mine’ but it amounts to the same thing. I have fairly set opinions on most things, and absolutely no position on many others – either through lack of knowledge or complete apathy. I’m always willing to question and realign my position though, and I think that’s why I enjoy a bit of friendly discussion now and again.

However there is one type of person who I don’t ever bother with, the type who preach. The type who bully and shout and cajole others using peer pressure. The type who expect you to agree and when you don’t you are demonised and outcast. You know the type, you’ve all come across them, they exist in every walk of life.

Give me a reasoned argument and I may even agree that white is black and down is up, but always, ALWAYS remember that everything is a shade of grey.

Ohh and in other news, I’m still swithering over whether to watch Ms. Burchill ‘defend the chavs’ tonight on Sky One. Part of me knows it’ll be a one way diatribe and I’ll disagree, the other part of me is curious to see what arguments are put forward.

There is also a small part that hates it when I watch this kind of “car crash TV” but knows that I’ll watch it anyway.

bookmark_borderFeed me

Slight glitch in the RSS Site feed thingy. Sorted now.

Ohh and whilst I’m on the topic – what IS the big deal with not allowing full site feeds?

Now, I’ll preface this by stating that it’s not a big deal, and I’m not that bothered myself but I just “don’t get it”. Ohh and it’s undoubtedly a mental block on my part.

Anyway, Peter and zed (and I’m sure many others) have been railing against Blogger because it is publishing the full RSS feed to their posts when they’ve set it to summarise them.

Now I “get” the fact that, because Blogger isn’t doing what they are telling it to, they are justifiable miffed. I’m the same when something doesn’t work.

But I still don’t understand the reasoning behind not allowing full feeds? Anyway, this isn’t a call for Peter or zed to comment on their reasoning, far from it, it’s more a wondering about why we do what we do when we blog (my that’s an awful lot of ‘w’s).

For the large majority of bloggers, what we write is written to be read by others. Without an audience a blog is like one of those five year diaries with the lock securely closed. You look at it and ponder the wonders it may, or may not, hold inside. That same sense of intrigue isn’t really available in blogland, if you want a better sense of what someone is saying on their blog, well you just start skimming the archives. It’s all public, it’s all out there (because sometimes that’s all we want to do, just put it out there without rhyme nor reason).

Is it the public nature of blogging that entices us? Do some of us harbour dreams of being writers and this is out tentative first steps, requests for peer approval? I know why I STARTED blogging, but why do I continue?

I think, in my case, it’s a way to gain an understanding of the world outside of mine. Even if the opinion only arrives from a few miles down the road, it’s still different, and may conflict with my view of things – the 4×4 post is a perfect example. I guess it does us all good to have our own views challenged.