
Blogger has eaten this post three times now, so…

Saturday was great. Clay pigeon shooting – don’t see the appeal of guns, quadbiking – noisy, muddy machines, brilliant fun, and indoor paintballing – hurts like a bastard when you get hit on a soft fleshy bit (back of leg).

Saturday night was food, beer and lap dancing. All good. Lap dancing wasn’t half as seedy as I thought it might be, even if it was the lower end club we ended up in.

Sunday was a day of dozing on the couch and channel surfing. Not a bad way to spend your birthday.

Took today off work to have a little me time. And have just picked up a voucher for the iTunes Music Store – cheers Keith!

Normal posting schedule will resume tomorrow.


I’m looking to add a bit more to the Scottish Blogs website and have always meant to start a “Featured Site” section, ideally this would rotate on a monthly basis. I am planning to have a Q&A session with the owner of each chosen site and post that along with a brief description. I’ve already got a short list of who will be the first few to feature, and I’ve got a few questions.

Here’s where you guys come in. Taking a cue from the three interviews recently published by the Guardian (anonymous blogging: 1, 2, 3), I’ve compiled some questions already but I’m looking for more:

  1. When did you start your blog and why?
  2. Were other blogs an inspiration? Which ones?
  3. What was the initial aim of your blog and have you achieved it?
  4. Has your blog (and what you write on it) changed over time?
  5. Is everything you write true?
  6. Why do you think people read your blog?
  7. Do friends and family read your blog? Work colleagues?
  8. If so, how does that affect what you write?
  9. What piece of advice would you give to someone starting their first blog?

So, what other questions have you always wanted to ask a blogger? Questions in the comments box please.


Nothing broken, strained or bruised. Now to get through Saturday in one piece and I’m laughing (well probably not as I’ll be hungover but you get what I mean).

I’ll be asking for your help tomorrow, I’m compiling a list of questions for a ‘blogger interview’ for Scottish Blogs, so make sure you have your thinking caps on.

bookmark_borderHazy Shades

What a lovely morning. Still, calm and cool with a light fog sitting on the rooftops. The light seems to be slow and thick, and giving the buildings a certain murky foreboding as they loom out of the haze.

Hopefully it will hang about until lunchtime so I can enjoy it again when I walk up to the bank. Ohh yes, forgot to mention, came home last night. Picked up the mail and found it contained a cheque for £100. Yay! I knew it was coming but had completely forgotten about it.

It’s part of a government incentive to get people to upgrade their boilers to more efficient models – tied to the Kyoto Treaty – and will invested in .. er.. the Stag Day on Saturday probably. Yes this Saturday I will be running around a muddy field, shooting people with paint pellets, driving one of the quad bike thingies round a different muddy field and attempting to blast some clay pigeons from the sky with a shotgun. Then it’ll be home for a quick shower, out for dinner and then into Glasgow for drinks, drinks and more drinks. Rumour has it that Glasgow also has a lap-dancing bar or three and I’m guessing they are on the agenda.

And therein lies the quandry. Is it alright to go to that kind of ‘establishment’? I’m stuck between wondering if they are degrading, exploitative and sexist, and knowing full well that, once several beers have been sunk, the thought of watching some lithe young ladies in skimpy clothes dancing will be most appealing. It’s the eternal conflict between head and groin I guess. Or head and head I guess… which will win?

Am I fuelling an evil industry or are there acceptable limits to these things? Can being ‘politically correct’ be taken too far?


Bumped into someone I used to work with today. Chatted about her new company, waffled a bit about knowledge management, information architecture and the like. She wants to meet up for a proper meeting and discuss things in a bit more depth.

I’m not holding my breath (we’re not meeting again for a couple of weeks) but could be interesting. Anything that helps exercise my brain to keep it nice and healthy is good. At the moment I’m stuck in a bit of a quagmire at work. It’s all stuff ‘that just needs done’ and is proving a bit of a drag. But hey, pays the bills and all that.

Now, can anyone tell me what the correct terminology for “wee man syndrome” is? Just wondering…

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