
“Get me one of those variegated cakes…”

My Mum is old and her ‘senior moments’ are becoming more frequent. Time to start logging a few for prosperity I think (although she will never beat another senior we know – she was confused a few years back about those ‘pubic cubes’ everyone was raving about… LOL)

bookmark_borderBlood red

One of the joys in moving home is the decorating. Getting rooms just the way you want them. However when one of the paint colours is a deep dark red (blood red), and you get some on your fingers, you’d think you’d learn to stop jumping after the 20th time of it appearing in your periphery vision! Late, knackered, sick of paint fumes (sick with paint fumes!).

Need a night out – good news – have one on Saturday! Woo Hoo!!


Changing ISPs so bear with me over the coming couple of weeks. I’m doing this retrospectively so may be a tad messy…

I’m too nice. It’s official. I should’ve said what I was thinking, but I just couldn’t.. maybe if I’d stayed and had a couple more beers. Then I would’ve spoken my mind. Now it’s too late, but I don’t care anyway. I’m still torn between the “ahh to hell with it…” or “don’t sink to that level, prove yourself the better man” attitudes. I plumped for the latter, but I can’t help thinking I kinda chickened out. Still if the opportunity arises again, it will be under different circumstances, and I will let rip.

Ohhh and the person concerned knows who they are. Don’t you.

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Shaking. Twitching, drooling slightly. I’m back at the keyboard after a week off. Actually I didn’t really miss it that much, more just a change in routine. My back is much better for not having crouched over a keyboard for a week!

So that’s us, another house move, this time the last for AT LEAST 10 years. We’ve painted, tiled and fixed. Still a big list of high priority stuff, but need to get a plumber for most of them. Last night we sat and relaxed in our new house. A glass of wine (provided by our next door neighbours), and silence. Away from a main road at least. All was peaceful and quiet. Aahhhhh.